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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

SERVPRO's Relationship with Insurance Companies

11/11/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks boasts a healthy relationship with many insurance companies and adjusters and here’s why!

We respond faster to any size disaster. When your home or business is damaged time is of the essence and being able to respond as fast as possible is key in preventing further damage to your property. We work directly with your insurance and keep a line of communication with both them and you to help ensure that things are taken care of as fast as possible.

Our team prides itself on our repair, not replace mentality, working diligently to do our best and repair anything that has been damaged. This helps keep costs lower, keeping both your wallet and your insurance company happy.

SERVPRO is a leader in the restoration industry. Our teams are highly trained with the latest certifications and state-of-the-art technology. We get the job done well with a reputation to back it. Which is why insurance companies like to use our services. They trust that we understand the scope of the job and will get it done right.

Damage to your home or business and dealing with insurance claims because of it is stressful at best. We understand that handling these issues with care and clarity is of utmost importance. If your property suffers from any damage requiring restoration efforts, please don’t hesitate to call us and ask how we can help.

Water Damage to Your Carpet

11/8/2021 (Permalink)

The carpet in our homes is often exposed to water from various sources like leaks in bathrooms and kitchens. SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks takes a repair, not replace stance on our remediation services because we understand that fully replacing things that could potentially be repaired is a hassle. Here are some advantages of our stance:

  • Less disruption to your home and life
  • Less damage to your carpet and a smaller chance of carpet delamination
  • Often cheaper than replacing the carpet all together

It is, however, important to understand that there are some scenarios where carpet must be removed, and repair/drying is not an option:

  • When the carpet has been exposed for more than 72 hours
  • Carpet is installed overtop of other flooring like laminate or hardwood
  • Water damage is caused by unsanitary water (Grey or Black Water)

The ability to repair and fully dry your carpet is contingent on among other things, our ability to get there fast and address the issue, so if your carpet has suffered from water damage do not delay and give us a call! We’re here to help 24/7, 365 days a year.

Know Your Clouds

11/3/2021 (Permalink)

Do you know that there are over 100 different kinds of clouds? All of these can generally be put into ten basic types:

  • Cumulus – These are the clouds you learned how to draw as a kid with flat bottoms and big puffy tops, typically seen on sunny days and often nicknamed the “fair weather cloud”
  • Stratus – Stratus clouds form a greyish uniform layer, low in the sky, and kind of look like fog but in the sky instead of on the ground. These clouds are mostly seen on overcast days and can bring mists or drizzles.
  • Stratocumulus – Think of a stratus cloud but split it with a knife so that the blue sky shows through. These clouds are seen on “mostly cloudy” days
  •  Altocumulus – These are the most common clouds in the middle of the atmosphere. They form big, round masses in bands across the sky and can be white or grey. Typically, you can see these clouds on warm, humid mornings and they can signal future thunderstorms or the onset of cooler weather
  • Nimbostratus – This is the cloud that brings the rain. You’ll see these clouds form a dark grey layer over the sky whenever there’s a steady rain or snow
  • Altostratus – Grey sheets of clouds covering the whole sky where you can typically still see the sun shining through. These clouds can signal a coming warm front or when paired with cumulus clouds, a cold front.
  • Cirrus – These clouds are the wispy white clouds that look almost like curls of hair (hence the name which is Latin for “curl of hair’). Typically, they’re seen during fair weather but can also form ahead of large-scale storms. Sometimes these clouds are also referred to as “mare’s tails”
  • Cirrocumulus – Patches of clouds arranged in rows, high up in the sky. There is not much moisture high up in the sky so these clouds are made of ice crystals! These clouds are nicknamed “mackerel scales” because of the look they give the sky why they appear.
  • Cirrostratus- These are the translucent clouds that appear across the sky when there is a lot of moisture present in the air high in the atmosphere. They can be identified by the halo effect they have around the sun or moon that’s formed by the light refraction in the ice crystals of the cloud
  •  Cumulonimbus – These clouds look similar to the cumulus clouds they are formed from but are much taller with often flattened tops and dark bottoms. These are thunderstorm clouds, and signal nearby severe weather.

Clouds can play a big part in being able to predict what kind of weather is headed your way! For example, there’s an old sailors’ phrase “Mares’ tails and mackerel scales make ships take in their sails.” This means that if you see Cirrocumulus and Cirrus clouds that could mean a warm front is approaching which brings in precipitation, so sailors used to use this as an indicator to prepare the ships for rough seas.

Next time you go outside take a look up at the sky and see if you can figure out what kinds of clouds are up there and if you see “mares’ tails” and “mackerel scales”, just know we saw them too! And we’re ready by the phones should your home or business suffer from any water damage because of the storms. So give us a call and trust is to make it “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Shares Insurance Tip for Your Business

11/2/2021 (Permalink)

While insurance for your business is typically a given, oftentimes people forget a crucial step of the process. Keeping a well-documented picture inventory of the items in your store or office can often save you both time and money when it comes to filing a claim after a disaster or loss. It’s easy to assume that the process for replacing damaged property or belongings is a pretty straightforward process but you’d be surprised to find out that is not often the case without proper detailed documentation.

Insurance companies value items in losses based on market value and/or age and without picture documentation of what condition your items are in, you might find yourself with an inaccurate valuation for your damaged items. For example, your “expensive vintage decor” that burned up in a fire may be valued based on the fact that they are old, or at the cost of current décor. Sometimes, especially with vintage items these valuations are less than what the products are worth. This is where a picture inventory of your items comes into play. You’ll be able to show your insurance company that the “old wooden chair” isn’t actually just an old wooden chair but is actually a mint condition vintage piece of furniture that is worth quite a bit of money.

We sincerely hope that you’ll never actually have to use that list ever, but if you do it can save a lot of headaches, and if you need someone to come in after a disaster to help mitigate your losses, give us a call here at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks.

SERVPRO's Emergency Services

11/1/2021 (Permalink)

When you call us here at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks we’ll ask if you need emergency services, but what does that mean to you?

Emergency services are preemptive measures that our team can take quickly to help mitigate any further damage from happening before the actual cleanup and recovery efforts can begin.  These services include:

  • Board up services – If any sort of damage from wind, fallen trees etc. has affected your house we will come put up boards and plywood to seal any unintentional holes in your property to the outside
  • Roof tarps – Similar to board up services but for your roof, fallen trees can make holes and winds can rip up shingles leaving your home potentially exposed to the rain and animals until it can be fixed
  • Extraction – This is the removal of all surface water left in your property, without this standing water can penetrate surfaces and cause further damage to the building.
  • Muck-Out – After extraction there can be debris, mud, and anything else left behind by the dirty water that was just extracted. We have multiple different strategies for the removal of the debris as fast as we can.

Emergency services allow us to help ensure that your property does not suffer from even further damage than it already has. It’s important because the faster you can stop the damage from spreading the less time it will take to get restored and the more money you will end up saving in the long run.

Teaching Children Fire Safety

10/28/2021 (Permalink)

For adults fire safety is for the most part common knowledge. Don’t play with heat sources, never leave your stove unattended, etc. This knowledge is important to pass on to your children early to help keep your family safe. Playing with heat sources like lighters, stoves, and matches is one of the leading causes of residential fires and injuries for children under ten. Keep reading below to get some tips on teaching your kids fire safety.

Flammable items and other heat sources are not toys - Make sure that they know that any heat generating household objects or flammable items are not toys. This includes items like glue guns, hair straighteners and other things that may not typically be thought about as potential fire starters by children. Be sure they understand the consequences and dangers of playing with fire.

Practice Fire Drills – In an emergency children might not have the focus to be able to think about what to do. Talk to your kids about what to do if there’s a fire in your home and how to get out. Make an escape plan that includes two different exit routes out of the house as well as a safe meeting point outside of the house, and then practice! The idea is in an emergency they won’t even have to think about it and already know what to do. It’s also important to make sure your child understands how to open your household windows and remove the screen to get out in case there are no doors available to exit from.

Test your smoke alarms – Smoke alarms should be tested once a month and have the batteries changed at least once a year. It’s a good idea to use when you set your clocks as a reminder to also change out the detector batteries. This is a great time to teach your children about smoke detectors as well. Show them what the alarm sounds like and what to do when they hear it, so they aren’t confused and scared having heard it for the very first time in a real emergency. You can include your fire drills in this by “having the alarm go off” and practice escaping the house when they hear it.

Prevent Winter Weather Water Damage

10/25/2021 (Permalink)

With winter fast approaching and colder weather on the way, is your home ready to keep you and your family dry? Check out these best practices to help prevent winter water damage to your home!

Prevent frozen pipes and pipe bursts

  • Any faucets that are connected to pipes in areas that are unheated (attic, crawl space, outside) are more likely to freeze when the temperature drops. Be sure to let cold water drip from those faucets to help prevent freezing.
  • If you plan on leaving your home for multiple days during freezing temps leave your heat on. Heating costs may rise a bit, but comparatively to a burst pipe in your home you’ll be happy you did.

Prevent Ice Dams

  • When warm air from your home heats the roof and melts the snow on the roof it collects in unheated areas and refreezes, making ice dams that limit drainage off the roof and can cause damage to your home.
  • Make sure to clear your gutters and downspouts so that water can drain off the roof and doesn’t collect anywhere to refreeze.
  • Install gutter screens to help keep out debris build up in gutters
  • If you live in an area with especially large amounts of snowfall, consider installing snow guards to prevent snow accumulation on your roof and lining under your shingles to prevent leaks as snow melts.

Ensure you know where and how to shut off your water in case of an emergency

  • When pipes freeze or burst it is important to be able to respond immediately and prevent the issue from getting any worse. Make sure that you know where your water shut off is and turn it off the second you discover a leak

While the cold weather can bring potential damage to your home, taking the proper steps to get ready can help you enjoy the winter wonderland stress free, and if disaster does happen rest assured that us here at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer banks are ready to help you make it “Like it never even happened.”

Fire Prevention Week - High-Rise and Condo Safety

10/5/2021 (Permalink)

During Fire Prevention Week, our SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks team would like to share some facts and tips about high-rise apartment and condominium safety. First, check out this fact:

  • According to the National Fire Protection Association, high-rise buildings are more likely to have sprinklers and fire alarm equipment than other non-high-rise buildings.

Follow these safety tips if you live in a high-rise or condo:

  • Meet with your landlord or building manager to learn about the fire safety features in your building (fire alarms, sprinklers, voice communication procedures, evacuation plans and how to respond to an alarm).
  • Know the locations of all available exit stairs from your floor in case the nearest one is blocked by fire or smoke.
  • If there is a fire, pull the fire alarm on your way out to notify the fire department and your neighbors
  • If the fire alarm sounds, feel the door before opening and close all doors behind you as you leave. If it is hot, use another way out.
  • Use the stairs to get out. Typically you should not use the elevator unless directed by the fire department.

SERVPRO Shares Fall Gutter Cleaning Tips

10/1/2021 (Permalink)

Cleaning your gutters and downspouts can make all the difference this fall in helping to protect your home. SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks shares some tips when tending to your gutters:

  • To avoid blockage in your gutters, it is recommended that you clean them out twice a year. 
  • We also recommend inspecting your gutters and roof after big storms. If left unattended, gutters and downspouts will most likely clog up with debris, causing rain water to build up and potentially lead to water intrusions. 
  • It is important to secure downspouts so that they point away from your home, allowing water to flow in the correct direction. 
  • Make sure they are extended at least 2 feet away from the foundation, especially if your home has a basement.

If your home is affected with water damage, call the professionals at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at 252-331-7889.

How to Prepare for Hurricane Season

8/10/2021 (Permalink)

Now is the time to star preparing your households for the upcoming Atlantic hurricane season. The height of the storms will form between the months of August and September, and will produce strong storms with heavy winds and rains that could cause damage to your home. And according tot he National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, this year's hurricane season will be above-average, meaning more storms than normal.

Follow these tips to make sure you are fully prepared for when hurricanes strike:

  • Gather Supplies - make an emergency kit that has essentials like bottled water, medication, and first aid kits
  • Help your Neighborhood - seniors and elderly neighbors may need help gathering supplies
  • Strengthen your Home - clear out gutters and collect lawn furniture
  • Make an Emergency Plan - discuss with everyone in your home what to do in case of an emergency and practice it.
  • Recognize Warnings and Alerts - download the FEMA app to get real-time alerts on how to handle the storm
  • Know your Evacuation Zone - listen to local officials on where you need to escape from
  • Review Important Documents - check your insurance policies and buy flood insurance if you think your home is susceptible to flooding

Are Your Smoke Alarms Up To Date?

7/13/2021 (Permalink)

Smoke alarms are important to have in our homes and in proper working condition. When installed and properly maintained, smoke alarms can cut the risk of injuries caused by fires in half.

The National Fire Protection Association recommends that smoke alarms are to be installed in every bedroom, outside all sleeping areas, and on every level of the house. Business owners should consult your local Fire Marshall to ensure you are meeting the specific fire codes and smoke alarm requirements.

Review the following tips about smoke detector installation and maintenance:

  1. Install smoke alarms on every level of the home, including the basement and attic. Think about how you are placing an alarm. Make sure it is in a location that, if there were a fire, it would quickly detect the smoke. Do not install the smoke alarm where it could be blocked.

  2. Smoke alarms should be installed away from the kitchen and shower to prevent false alarms. They should be at least 10 feet from a cooking appliance.

  3. Test smoke alarms at least once a month using the test button. Set a consistent date on your calendar. This is also a good time to review and practice your emergency escape plans.

  4. Replace batteries in all smoke alarms about twice a year. Daylight savings time can be good dates to set for this. Again, try to schedule this on your calendar.  If hear an alarm "chirp" before those dates, then battery is low and should be replaced right away.

  5. Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old. If you do not know how old your smoke alarm is, go ahead and replace it. Newer alarms on the market also offer carbon monoxide detection as well as voice alarms, which have shown to be more effective in waking children up. 

Here at SERVPRO Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, we believe in PREVENTION first. 

We Handle Large Losses

6/16/2021 (Permalink)

Call Us for The Big Jobs

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks is always here to help with any size disaster to your business. There's never a convenient time for fire or water damage to strike your business. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we'll be there fast with the help you need. Our highly-trained teams respond 24/7 providing excellent service to insurance companies, building owners, facility managers and property managers throughout the area.

Independently owned and operated by Andrew and Theresa Bahen as of September 2020, SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks is operated by a team with 35 years of experience in the restoration industry. Our experience, people, capacity and equipment uniquely qualifies us to handle large jobs no matter how extensive the damage.

In the unfortunate event of a fire or water damage to your business, call SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks. We will respond 24/7 with trained employees, state-of-the-art equipment and the resources required to perform emergency services to help limit property damage. 252-331-7889.

How to Remove Smoke Odor in Your Home

4/21/2021 (Permalink)

We've all been there before. You get distracted while your food is in the oven or on the stove and now your entire home is filled with smoke and that terrible burnt smell. Before you grab that air freshener, hear us out!! 

  • Confirm the situation is under control: Before worrying about the odor, make sure there isn't an actual fire. Burnt food often smokes without catching on fire, but you don't want the situation to get out of hand if there are flames. Remove the pan from the burner and let it cool. Make sure the food is no longer burning or producing more smoke.
  • Air out the house: Burnt food smoke inhalation isn't good for your lungs, so start by clearing out the smoke. Open windows in rooms close by, give the smoke and odor a place to go. Run ceiling fans and use box fans in the windows to help pull the smoke and odor out of the room faster. You can also run the vent on your fan hood and the exhaust fans in any nearby bathrooms.
  • Remove the source of the smell: You’ve got to remove the burnt food to remove the burnt smell in the home. Once its cools COMPLETELY, dump the food into a trash bag, seal it, and remove from the home. If the pan is salvageable, soak it in hot, soapy water to release the burnt-on food, then scrub any remaining food off. Boiling water and vinegar in the pan can help soften the burnt spots. Scrubbing the pan with baking soda can also help clean it due to the gentle abrasive quality of the powder.
  • Neutralize the burnt pan smell in the home: Don’t grab that air freshener yet! Air fresheners and candles just add scent to the mix without actually removing the bad smell. The combination of the burnt, smoky odor and the fragrance can sometimes smell worse than the burnt odor alone. Try something a little more natural to help remove the odor from the air! Bring water and white vinegar to a boil on the stove, and reduce the heat so it simmers. You can also add whole spices or fresh lemon slices to the boiling water for a natural scent. Coffee grounds and baking soda placed out in a container can help soak up bad odors.
  • Wipe Down Surfaces: Smoke particles tend to stick to all areas of the home, which makes the smell linger. Be sure to clean all of the surfaces in your kitchen to help remove the odor. Wipe the stove, countertop, cabinets and walls with a warm, soapy water mixture or all-purpose cleaner. Choose cleaning products that are safe for specific surfaces, such as wood cabinetry or stone countertops.
  • Wash Fabric Items: As we said before, odors and smoke particles like to stick to all areas of the home, especially fabric items. Wash all items that came in contact with the smoke such as curtains, tablecloths, and flooring. If your carpets or rugs take on the burnt odor, sprinkle baking soda over them. Give the baking soda a few hours to soak up the smell. Vacuum the carpet well to remove all of the baking soda.

Try out these tips for small incidents and if that smell is still lingering give our SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks fire restoration technicians a call 24/7.

Holiday Fire Safety Tips

11/11/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks wants you and your family to have a great holiday spent with friends and family. We also want you to have a safe holiday! This time of year is attributed to more fires due to multiple different sources and circumstances.

Things to Think About:

  • Cooking and Baking - Fires caused by cooking is the number one cause for kitchen fires in the US. Be sure to keep flammable items away from the stove and oven, clean up greasy spills to avoid fire hazards, and always stay alert and in the kitchen while cooking or baking
  • Christmas Trees - Always water your tree regularly to avoid it from drying out. Dry pine needle catch fire more easily and quickly. Never use string lights that are broken or worn down
  • Menorah or Kinara - If using real candles to celebrate Kwanzaa or Hanukkah, please be sure to keep flammable items at least 3 feet away from the flames. Display your menorah or kinara on an non-flammable surface.
  • Fireplaces - Do not use wrapping paper to fuel your fire and make sure you have cloth like materials at least 3 feet away from the fireplace. Always use a fire screen for protection.

If you experience a fire damage this holiday season, call the professionals at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at 252-331-7889

We Are an IICRC Certified Firm

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

Here at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, we believe in the importance of knowledge across all aspects of our employees. Whether you are out in the field handing the services first-hand, or in the office speaking on the phone with the customer, it is important that everyone is educated on our services. That's why our SERVPRO team takes classes throughout the year for our technicians and project managers to stay certified and up-to-date on industry standards.

IICRC stands for the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification. Once you become IICRC certified in Water Damage Restoration, you have then pledged to perform services with skill, honestly and integrity to provide the consumer with the highest standard of care and expertise. Our SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer banks certified technicians and team members will always assist you with their knowledge and expertise in water damage restoration!

Act Quick After Water Damage

11/6/2020 (Permalink)

Quick action and response after a water catastrophe is crucial to your recovery.  Flood waters and water catastrophes are very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and business. The water gets absorbed into the flooring, the walls, the furniture, and more. SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks gets there fast and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Water Damage Destruction Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishing may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

 The First 24 Hours

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

 48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

 More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Do You Have a Power Outage Kit at Home?

11/5/2020 (Permalink)

The American Red Cross suggests that every household have an emergency preparedness kit for your home and for your car. Unfortunately, only a little more than a half of the homes in the U.S. have an emergency kit.

Your power outage kit can start with a duffle bag or a backpack. Depending on the situation, the kit can be a 3-day supply for an evacuation or a 2-week supply for home. The kit should include:

  • at least a gallon of water per person/per day
  • canned food
  • a can opener
  • flashlights
  • batteries
  • a first aid kit
  • personal hygiene items
  • a multi-purpose tool
  • medications
  • copies of personal documents such as proof of address, deed/lease, passports, birth certificates, and insurance policies. 
  • A printed list of emergency phone numbers and of family and friends.

We will continually bring you more tips and information on how to best be prepared in case of disaster. SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks is always ready and always here to help if you experience a water damage in your home or business.

Why You Should Get Your Business' Ducts Cleaned

11/2/2020 (Permalink)

We think you would agree that the quality of your indoor air is as important as the quality of the air you breathe outside. There are indoor irritants in the air you breathe like pollen, dust, and pet dander that encompass more than simply changing your equipment's air filter.

These irritants and contaminants collect in your air duct system and can only be removed with scheduled cleanings. You should consider it as a part of your HVAC maintenance and a vital part of ensuring your employees health and your business cleanliness. Here are a few reasons why you should keep your ducts cleaned.

  • Clogging of the ducts- Irritants like dust can clog your air ducts causing your HVAC equipment to work less effectively. The clogging can also cause health issues.
  • You may be losing efficiency- If your air ducts are clogged, your equipment will be forced to work harder to maintain your temperature settings. This results in higher utility bills and an inefficient system.
  • Presence of mold- There is a possibility of moisture creating growth in your ducts. An odor like the smell of dirty socks coming from your air vents can indicate the presence of mold in your HVAC system.
  • Presence of trapped critters- Occasionally rodents, birds or insects can become entrapped in the air duct system.  Any odor coming from the air vent system requires attention.

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks offers air duct system inspections at no cost. You will receive results and a recommended plan of action. Commercial cleaning and maintenance plans are available. Call us today at 252-331-7889

Call the SERVPRO Professionals If You Have Water Damage in Your Home

10/29/2020 (Permalink)

When water invades your Elizabeth City home, quick action needs to be taken in order to get matters under control and your life back to normal. When water is left to soak into and remain, the greater the water damage and the repair.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks handles water damage with an inventory of equipment with large and powerful pumps that we can submerge enabling a quicker extraction of the floodwater. Our machinery will raise the interior temperature so that evaporation happens at a precise rate.

Our trained technicians and supervisors determine the best drying method to utilize to maintain the quality of the water damaged area and product. For instance if a wooden floor is dried out too quickly or with extreme temperatures, the floor can be ruined. Our goal is to restore, not replace. This is beneficial to not only the homeowner but to your insurance company too as it helps to save money.  

After the extractor has removed the water, smaller hand-held equipment is used to remove the remaining water found in crevices and baseboards. Once the water has been removed, the drying process begins for the remaining surface dampness and porous household items with the use of our desiccant machines and air movers. An Air Scrubber, our portable filtration system can be used to help clean the air of any contaminants such as dust, gasses, or chemicals in any area.

If your Outer Banks home floods, call us your local SERVPRO at 252-331-7889.

Cooking Safety in the Kitchen

10/28/2020 (Permalink)

Cooking Fire Safety

Cooking is the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries.   Travelers Insurance offers these safe cooking behaviors to help keep you and your family safe.

Never leave your cooking equipment unattended while cooking, turn it off.

Don’t wear loose clothing, roll up your sleeves.

Keep your cooking area clean and remove any items that may explode or catch fire, like a paper or kitchen towel, oven mitt, non-dairy creamer, or flour.

Remove any grease buildup from your cooking area. 

Keep a fire extinguisher in the cooking area.  Be sure to have the correct type of extinguisher and know how to properly use it.  

Don’t throw hot grease into the garbage.  Let it cool and harden then dispose of it.

Don’t store food items in your oven.  People forget that there is food in there and it could catch fire when preheating. 

What do you do if you do have a cooking fire? 

Your safety comes first.  Leave the scene if you aren’t sure if the fire is safe enough to combat, call 911 for help.  The fire department will control the fire.

If the fire is small and you are going to attempt to extinguish it, call 911 for help first.  The fire can get out of control quickly and having help on the way is safer.

Never throw water on a grease fire, smother it.  Watch how the water will turn to burning steam and the oil will splash and spread the fire.  If you can, use a mitt to carefully slide a lid onto the pan and safely turn off the heat source.  Don’t attempt to remove the pan until the fire is out and the pan has had time to cool.

Keep the door closed for an oven or microwave fire and turn off the heat and electrical source.  Don’t open the door until the flames are gone.

If you suffer fire damage, call us for your Fire Damage Restoration in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks. 

Fire Damage Estimate in Elizabeth City and Outer Banks

10/27/2020 (Permalink)

The fire trucks are gone and now your Elizabeth City or Outer Banks home and belongings are likely suffering from not only fire and smoke damage, but also extensive water damage from the firefighting efforts. The restoration of your home and estimation of your fire loss begins when you call your local SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks.

Our SERVPRO Professionals in Electronics, Structure, and Contents Restoration arrive to conduct pretests, while inspecting the property to determine the extent of fire damage and the scope of needed cleaning, restoration, and repairs. These professional experts need to identify and consider the following and are only few to mention:

  • The materials, and items affected by smoke or fire and the proper method for cleaning; 
  • If your personal belongings need to be relocated while your house is being restored
  • The areas that were not affected by soot and odor and protect those areas as soon as possible to avoid contamination 
  • If the smoke residues are cleanable
  • Conduct a complete inventory of items that are damaged beyond repair as a complete inventory is invaluable
  • The amount of time needed to perform the cleanup with the most effective cleaning methods

Once the fire damage mitigation begins, you will be kept informed and your questions will be answered throughout the process.

Need an estimate for fire damage? Call our office at (252)331-7889

Protect Your Home From Water Damage

10/21/2020 (Permalink)

How to Minimize your Water Damage Risk.

A flooded bathroom or a ceiling leak due to a water heater leak in your attic, you know that the water damage and the repair may be costly. Here are a few tips to help protect against water damage.

  • Replace old pipes. Home piping usually has a life span of 50 to 80 years. If yours are older, it’s a good idea to ask a plumber for an inspection. PVC pipes may need to be replaced every 25-40 years.
  • Inspect your water heater. Water heaters usually need to be replaced every 10 years.
  • Update your windows and doors. Watertight options are available with new doors and windows. Wood windows should be cleaned, repainted and stained every so often.  Cracks should be resealed, and old glazing compounds should be replaced as needed.
  • Replace washing machine supply hoses. As part of a proactive maintenance plan, replace every 3 to 5 years.
  • Regularly inspect your roof. Look for loose or missing shingles, or any sign of damage.  While up there, inspect your gutters to make sure leaves and debris have been removed and that the drain spout is properly attached.

Do You Have Water Damage in the Outer Banks?  Call us at 252-331-7889.

SERVPRO Storm Preparedness

10/19/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Encourages Coastal Carolina Residents to be Storm Ready.

Prepare and Protect Your Family

We are at the beginning of hurricane season on the Atlantic coast, and SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks is hoping that everyone remembers the importance of disaster preparedness. The key to disaster preparedness is having an emergency plan in place before the disaster hits. Acting with a few simple steps can make the difference in protecting and keeping your family safe and protecting your property from weather related damage.

Build a basic emergency supply kit stocked with enough water and food for a minimum of three days for you and for each of your family members, pets included. Be mindful to include any necessary medications. Recommended emergency supply kit items include:

  • Water (one gallon/per person/per day)
  • Three-day supply of non-perishable foods
  • Manual can opener
  • Battery or solar powered radio, preferably a NOAA weather radio
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Whistle (to signal for help)
  • Dust masks or bandanas
  • Local map
  • Important documents, such as insurance policies, bank account information, passwords, and identifications
  • Matches (in a waterproof container) and/or lighter

Make a Family Emergency Plan.  A Disaster may not strike when you and your family are together at home. Plan now for a meeting place and how you will contact each other. Visit ready.gov to access a Family Emergency Plan template to help with your planning.

Stay Informed.  Know your flood zone for your property and your neighborhood and know the evacuation route should evacuation become necessary. Listen to your local news and authorities for direction.

Prepare your property.  You may need to prepare your home for the impact of a storm or hurricane. Covering all your windows in your home will help to protect it.  Permanent storm shutters offer the best protection for windows; however, the second-best option is to board up the windows with plywood. Tape will not prevent your windows from breaking. Trim your trees and bushes that are around your home and clear any debris from rain spouts and gutters. Secure outdoor furniture, trash receptacles, decorations and anything else not secured that could become a projectile. 

Establish a SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile for Your Business.  SERVPRO® developed the SERVPRO® Emergency READY Program to help business owners create an Emergency READY Profile® (ERP) for their facility, at no charge. The business owner works with SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks to gather and document information that will become critical if a disaster strike. Once the ERP is created, business owners have access to their own information 24/7 online and by using SERVPRO’s free smartphone app. Contact us at 252-331-7889 to get set up.

Before The Storm

10/9/2020 (Permalink)

Hurricane Prep Guide

Getting prepared for a hurricane is not only about buying lots of water or filling up the gas tank. There are steps needed to help protect you and your family if your home is threatened by a hurricane.

Stock Emergency Supplies

  1. Water & Food at least a 3-day supply for you and your pet
  2. Tools like flashlights, extra batteries, a wrench, plastic sheeting & duct tape, trash bags
  3. Medical Hygiene and Cleaning Supplies like a first-aid kit, necessary medications, glasses, contact lenses, moist towelettes, toothpaste, and personal hygiene products
  4. Personal Items, like sleeping bag for each person and change of clothing
  5. Activities like books, games, playing cards, paper, pencils and pens
  6. Radio for NOAA weather radio with tone alert and extra batteries
  7. Other Items like a whistle to signal for help

Prepare and Protect Your Property

  1. Do a Home Inventory with contents of closets, drawers and cabinets? Store your home inventory lists, photographs and video tapes in a waterproof place off the premises. Keep receipts of high valued items, which may separate insurance coverage. Always update your home inventory after making large purchases.

Review Your Insurance Policies

  1. Is everything up to date? If you’ve done any major renovation or made a major purchase, make sure your insurance agent is aware to help determine if your current limits are enough to cover the value.
  2. Coverage for additional living expenses in case you can’t live in your home until it has been restored from damages.
  3. What about flood damage? Do you have coverage?
  4. Do you have comprehensive coverage on your car insurance policy? What happens if a tree falls on it or water, wind or flying debris damages your car?

Plan Your Evacuation

  1. Become familiar with alternate routes in case travel becomes treacherous or traffic congested
  2. If you don’t have a car, plan on how you will leave if you need to evacuate; make plans with family or friends or your local government or aid agencies
  3. Plan what you will do with your pets, leave them with family, take them with you or to a kennel
  4. Keep a road map in your car in case you need another route on unfamiliar roads
  5. Prepare a bag or file with important papers, like your homeowner’s insurance policy, keep it with you.

If you have suffered water damage after a storm, SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks is prepared to assist you after the storm to clean up the mess and help restore your home to its pre-storm condition. Call us at 252-331-7889.

Cleaning Your Building's Duct System

9/24/2020 (Permalink)

Do You Have Your Commercial Ducts in A Row?

Commercial buildings’ HVAC and air duct systems are the key players for good air quality. HVAC and duct cleanliness have a direct impact on how efficient your equipment functions. When the system is clean, it should function at maximum capacity and provide good indoor air quality and be more energy efficient, meaning lower electric bills.

  • Every 90 days to keep your commercial ducts in a row change out the system filters. Check any connections, wires, or motors for damage and get them repaired immediately to keep your HVAC system safe and functioning properly.
  • Annually inspect your HVAC system and duct work for any visible signs of mold, excessive amounts of dust and/or debris, and for rodents. Little pellets, odors, or noises coming from your duct work could mean you have a rodent infestation and you need to call a professional, SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks. SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks will give you a free air duct cleaning estimate.

If your HVAC system seem to be running all the time, or the electric bill costs seem higher than normal, or you see humidity on your windows and have unstable temperatures?  Then it may be time for a cleaning as these may be signs or symptoms that your HVAC system is in need of a checkup.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks knows the importance of a properly functioning Commercial HVAC and air duct system. When you need a professional cleanup and restoration of your commercial air ducts, call us at 252-331-7889 for that free estimate.

Exciting Franchise Growth

9/24/2020 (Permalink)

We have some exciting news to share! As of September 2020, we have joined forces with SERVPRO® of Richmond, Chesterfield, Henrico and Tri-Cities Plus, located in Midlothian, Virginia. Independently owned and operated by Andrew and Theresa Bahen for 35 years, Disaster Recovery Team Bahen has earned an excellent reputation with homeowners, insurance companies, business owners, facility managers, local and state government agencies, and commercial property management teams. With over 1,700 Franchises in the U.S. and Canada, Team Bahen consistently ranks in the top 12 Franchises and was awarded Franchise of the Year in 2008. 

As one of the largest SERVPRO franchises on the East Coast, our combined experience, people, capacity, and equipment will uniquely qualify us to handle any sized job no matter how extensive the damage may be. Though we will now operate together as ONE TEAM, our goal with this expansion is to create a larger footprint to better serve our clients and community throughout Virginia and North Carolina. Your local SERVPRO® will now be composed of elite large-loss specialists, trained project managers, and technicians capable of handling any loss your home or facility may experience. We hope you have continued confidence in our abilities to serve your community as we strive to provide residents and business owners in your area with the fastest response times while doing great work every day. 

Thank you for your support and please continue to contact our team for all your mitigation, reconstruction, and restorations needs.

Proactive COVID 19 Cleaning & Post Positive Cleaning

4/30/2020 (Permalink)

These are times of stress and uncertainty and the best way to combat the threat of COVID-19 is preparation. When it comes to disinfection and sanitization, SERVPRO of Chesapeake North cleanup practices follow CDC guidelines and use EPA-approved products. The Coronavirus may be new to all of us but we have years of experience dealing with biological contaminants. We’re here to help you protect your business and your employees– 24 hours a day, seven days a week – until life is back to normal in the communities, we all call home. Proactive and Post Positive Cleaning and Sanitization. 

SERVPRO's Advanced Technology & Techniques

3/15/2020 (Permalink)

We use specialized and industry leading equipment to make it, “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Elizabeth City/OBX provides a variety of specialized services to the area. Our franchise professionals are certified through The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). This allows us to provide peace of mind to our customers because they are able to trust that our franchise professionals are properly trained on how to properly and successfully use the equipment for restoration and cleaning. 

We use specialized and industry leading equipment to make it, “Like it never even happened.” Our moisture detection and measurement equipment allows us to detect, measure and monitor a properties moisture levels.  If water is in your home we have state of the art water extraction equipment that speeds the drying process by getting the water out of your home. Our industrial strength air movers and dehumidifiers are used to remove any remaining moisture from you home and prevents warping of your floors, walls and/or ceilings.

Water and fire damage often causes powerful odors. The machines we use remove airborne contaminants and control the air quality during the restoration and cleanup process. We also use OSHA-approved cleaning agents to clean and remove odors and/or contaminants from your home.

Is Mold Making You Sick?

3/5/2020 (Permalink)

If you suspect that you are suffering from mycotoxicosis it is important to contact a health care professional right away!

Mold is a type of fungus that is essentially everywhere and in normal amounts, environmental mold does not pose a serious health risk to healthy people with functioning immune systems. Toxic mold can cause serious health effects because of its ability to release mycotoxins.

If you think that mold is making yous sick, it is important to contact a health care professional right away!

If you find mold in your home you can contact the franchise professionals at SERVPRO Elizabeth City/OBX will be able to inspect and assess your property and if there is an indication of mold, our franchise professionals have the training, equipment and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

How to Prevent/Minimize Water Damage in the Spring

2/28/2020 (Permalink)

Keep your home free from water damage this spring.

There is no way for a homeowner to completely prevent all water damage under every circumstance however there are steps you can take to prepare your home ahead of the spring-thaw months to prevent common causes of water damage. 

  • Read and understand your homeowner’s insurance 
  • Avoid storing valuable items in your basement.
  • Install a basement pump or a water alarm 
  • Remove debris from window wells, gutters & downspouts
  • Check for and repair leaks around doors and windows
  • Inspect your foundation for cracks and repair any that you find to prevent water seepage
  • Trim any trees or bushes away from your home
  • Keep your roof in good shape, be sure to make regular repairs to prevent water leaks.  

If your home/business experiences water damage, our franchise professionals are on standby 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to make it “Like it never even happened.”

Spring Storms

1/23/2020 (Permalink)

Changing weather during the spring can cause potential hazards that can be hard to predict/plan for.

Spring weather is notoriously unpredictable! There are days where it feels like summer has arrived and then other days where we may even see snow!

Changing weather during the spring can cause potential hazards that can be hard to predict/plan for since the weather can change rapidly, leading to the experience of many seasons in the same day! Mark Twain once said, “In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours.” 

Thunderstorms pose the most serious weather related threat during the spring. Thunderstorms develop when warm moist air collides with cool, dry air.  Some of the dangers associated with severe thunderstorms include lightning, tornadoes, and flooding. Although the weather in the spring can change so quickly there are something you can do in order to prepare. Having a first aid kit and an emergency evacuation/shelter plan as well as keeping a 3-5 day supply of water and non perishable food are all measures that can be taken to prepare for the potential of severe weather in the spring.

If your home or business experiences storm damage this spring, we are Here to help! Our Disaster Recovery Team is ready 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to respond to any disasters that may strike in any season.

Holiday Fire Safety

12/10/2019 (Permalink)

We here at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/OBX are always Here to Help. Check out these tips on preventing fires this holiday season.

Did you know that Christmas trees are the culprit for hundreds of damaging home fires every year? If you purchase a live tree it is important to keep it well watered and hydrated. A dry tree can catch flames in just SECONDS if it comes in contact with an open flame such as a candle or a short in an electrical light. 

Be sure to review the manufacturer's safety information included with any electrical decorations to avoid an overload that can cause an electrical short. 

Keep burning candled at least 12 inches from anything that is flammable such a curtains, trees, paper or wooden objects. 

Make sure your Christmas tree is at least 3 feet away from any heat source including fireplaces, candles, radiators or heat vents. 1 in every 4 winter fires is caused from a tree being too close to a heat source!

SERVPRO Elizabeth City/OBX wants you, your family, and your property to stay safe this holiday season.  If you do experience a fire or water damage during the holidays, or any time of the year, our franchise professionals can make it “Like it never even happened.” Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, we are Here to Help

Before An Emergency, Collect and Protect Essential Documents

9/17/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks is #AlwaysHeretoHelp 252-331-7889.

Before An Emergency, Collect and Protect Essential Documents

Family Preparedness

When we advise people to collect and protect important paperwork, we are referring to any important documents and personal data that might serve as proof of your insurance or identity or instruct others on how to help you in an emergency.  This important paperwork includes an Emergency Action Plan, and medical, vital, and immunization records.

The Basics

Personal Id's to include: Passports, driver's licenses, social security cards, green cards

Copies of medical documents and advance directives should include: Health insurance card, vaccination records, living wills and power of attorney forms, birth & death certificates and adoption records

A current care plan for a child with special needs.

User manuals, models, and serial numbers, and contact information for the manufacturer of medical devices, like glucose meters and nebulizers.

Quick Tips

Keep an up to date list of all your prescription medications with dosage amounts, your eye prescription, your medical supply needs and any known allergies.

Save electronic copies of important papers in a password protected format to a flash drive or an external hard drive or a cloud-based service. You should store these items in a fire proof container or with a trusted friend or relative, or even a safety deposit box at a bank.

Pet owners make copies of your pet’s vet records like rabies certificate, prescriptions and a recent photo of your pet(s).

Whatever happens, we’ll be there with you and your community, every step of the way, in your journey back, “Like it never even happened.”

How to Prepare for a Storm & Protect Your Family

8/15/2019 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks if you have storm damage at 252-331-7889

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks encourages everyone to remember the importance of disaster preparedness.  The key to disaster preparedness is having an emergency plan in place before the disaster hits.  These few simple steps can help make the difference in protecting and keeping your family safe and protecting your property from weather related damage.

Build a basic emergency supply kit stocked with enough water and food for a minimum of three days for you and for each of your family members, pets included.  Be mindful to include any necessary medications.  Recommended emergency supply kit items include:

  • Water (one gallon/per person/per day)
  • Three-day supply of non-perishable foods
  • Manual can opener
  • Battery or solar powered radio, preferably a NOAA weather radio
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Whistle (to signal for help)
  • Dust masks or bandanas
  • Local map
  • Important documents, such as insurance policies, bank account information, passwords, and identifications
  • Matches (in a waterproof container) and/or lighter

Make a Family Emergency PlanA Disaster may not strike when you and your family are together at home.  Plan now for a meeting place and how you will contact each other.  Visit ready.gov to access a Family Emergency Plan template to help with your planning.

Stay Informed.  Know your flood zone for your property and your neighborhood and know the evacuation route should evacuation become necessary.  Listen to your local news and authorities for direction.

Prepare your propertyYou may need to prepare your home for the impact of a storm or hurricane.  Covering all your windows in your home will help to protect it.  Permanent storm shutters offer the best protection for windows; however, the second-best option is to board up the windows with plywood.  Tape will not prevent your windows from breaking.  Trim your trees and bushes that are around your home and clear any debris from rain spouts and gutters.  Secure outdoor furniture, trash receptacles, decorations and anything else not secured that could become projectile. 

Establish a SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile (ERP) for Your BusinessSERVPRO® developed the SERVPRO® Emergency READY Program to help business owners create an Emergency READY Profile® (ERP) for their facility, at no charge.  The business owner works with SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks to gather and document information that will become critical if a disaster strike.  Once the ERP is created, business owners have access to their own information 24/7 online and by using SERVPRO’s free smartphone app.  Contact us at 252-331-7889 to get set up.

Commercial Air Duct Cleaning

6/18/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial Air Duct Cleaning in Elizabeth City and the Outer Banks

What about air ducts?

While running a business, you probably don’t think about air ducts and the air quality in the building.   Usually it's not until the building's systems stop heating or cooling, will a facility manager be concerned, but did you know that regular maintenance to your air duct system can help improve the productivity of your HVAC systems and the quality of your air. 

A ductwork system is designed to distribute airflow from your HVAC equipment to your entire commercial building.  This encompasses the air that is sucked from the whole building in the air conditioner/heater where it gets cooled or heated and then pushed back via the ducts into your working space.

The intake and output of the air are determined by how efficient a duct system is.  Only air is moved via ductwork.  What’s more is that there are many ductwork constructions and shapes.  They may be oval, round or rectangular in shape.  It might be fashioned from a wide range of materials like flexible plastics, fiberglass or different metals.

There are several types of commercial HVAC systems and most have an air duct system.   Roof top units are most common and found on the roof or ground and duct the conditioned air into the space. 

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks will inspect your HVAC air duct system at no cost. After the inspection, you will receive a report and a quote to clean your commercial system.  We offer scheduled maintenance cleanings that will help to keep your system running more efficient and help to provide good air quality.

Think you have dirty ducks?  Call us at 252-331-7889

by Kim Calantropo

Reasons Why You Should Replace Your Water Heater

6/11/2019 (Permalink)

Water Damage Cleanup in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks?

When SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks gets an emergency water damage call because a water heater has leaked, we know there is attic and ceiling damage or flooring damage, maybe more.  Here are some signs to indicate that you might need a new water heater. These tips may require some periodic checking while others become obvious only after things have gone wrong.

  • The water is not getting hot enough.
  • The water is not getting hot al all. It could be that the pilot light is out, or the circuit breaker has been tripped, or worse the whole heating system is shot.
  • The water is a rusty color or not clear running.
  • The water has a strange metallic taste, which could mean that the inside of the tank is breaking down.
  • The water heater is making loud popping and cracking noises that could mean the heating element is failing.
  • There are signs of leakage around the water heater which indicates a major internal failure to the system. Make sure that the electricity or gas has been turned off to the system and that before replacing it, the unit has had a chance to cool completely.

We suggest that you hire a professional to replace and install a new water heater.  This is to be certain that the installation meets safety codes and is safe to use.

Water damage cleanup in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks?  Call 252-331-7889.

Cleaning and Restoring Fire Damaged Contents in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

6/10/2019 (Permalink)

Fire Damage Cleanup in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

What to Consider when Cleaning Fire Damaged Contents

After a fire, more than likely the fire department efforts have left your home or office with a huge wet mess or you could have minimal damage with only grease, smoke, or soot damage.  Our SERVPRO® fire restoration team handles each loss and considers the best means to clean and restore your fire damaged items.

Restoration methods can include dry-cleaning, cleaning with ultrasonic waves or with other specialized treatments to help remove odors,  preserve photos and documents and clean electronic equipment.  We take certain steps in determining how to best clean your contents.

Assess the Damage

Our first step would be to determine whether the item (s) can be restored or are they non-salvageable.  Contents with smoke or soot damage usually can be restored, such as photos or documents, however, burned or charred items would be considered a loss.

Consider Durability

The durability of the fabric, or the            material of the damaged item (s) is considered when determining the cleaning and restoration method.  Delicate items subjected to the fire incident may not withstand even our most gentle of treatments.

Consider Porosity

The porosity of an item is important in determining the best cleaning and restoration method.  Porous items such as clothing and textiles can benefit from our ozone treatment to dry cleaning.  Delicate, non-porous items made of glass or ceramic, can more than likely be immersed and cleaned with ultrasonic waves.  More delicate porous items are handled more carefully and limited to moisture exposure.

We recommend always having your fire damaged items cleaned by a professional restoration company.  SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks offers a full range of content cleaning options as well as content storage.  When we clean your contents, we box and label your items, to deliver back to you once your home has been restored or another location has been determined.  Fire Damage Cleanup in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks?  Call 252-331-7889.

Author Kim Calantropo

Smoke Damage: How It Hurts Your Home

6/7/2019 (Permalink)

Fire Damage Cleanup in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Call 252-331-7889.

Smoke and fire damage can be severe and if the home survives the fire, the home should be inspected quickly and cleaning and recovery actions should be in place to avoid permanent damage.  

When it's safe for you to return to your home, call your insurance company and ask for a cleanup and restoration company to help you with the fire and smoke damage to help restore your home.

You must get an inspection if your home is still standing to make sure that the foundation and the structure of your home are safe.

When a fire has consumed your furniture and belongings, you have a wet, scorched mess left behind. Leather, fabric, and wood can trap smoke smells and usually can be restored. In addition, smoke and soot particles can get trapped inside of your air duct system.

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks will remove the wet, burned, scorched mess and take your salvageable contents to clean in our warehouse.  We also have the capability to help restore your fire and water damaged documents and photos.  When this process is completed, then we can address the soot, water, and fire damage restoration to your home and to your air duct system.

SERVPRO® Employees Pay It Forward

5/29/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Pays It Forward

Your local SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks wants its community to know that they can depend on them for emergencies and for community support. 

Our company and employees help to pay it forward with an annual event of collecting items such as clothing and personal hygiene for men, women, and children, non-perishable food, toys, books and blankets that begins in the summertime.  The items are donated, boxed and labeled by our SERVPRO® crew and set aside to be delivered to five (5) local charities in November.

The charities we have helped to support in the past have been Blankets for the Homeless, Chesapeake Humane Society, Food Bank of Southeastern Virginia, Children's Crisis Center of Hampton Roads, and The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Flood Insurance Spotlight

5/14/2019 (Permalink)

Water Damage Cleanup in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

No one should have to learn the hard way that neither homeowner’s or renter’s insurance covers flood damage.

The Insurance Information Institute reported that our National insurance program is getting an overhaul.  On March 18, 2019, the Trump administration announced plans to reform the National Flood Insurance Program.  The program would begin to assess properties individually using variables such as hurricane rainfall, coastal surges and one’s proximity to large bodies of water rather than the current application of a single formula for an entire flood zone.  Since higher valued properties are more likely to hit the $250,000 insurance cap, lower valued homes are paying proportionately more than higher valued homes.  The new reform would eliminate the single formula system and drive flood risk into the private reinsurance and risk markets.  According to the Institute, FEMA will announce the new rates on April 1, 2020 and will implement the new system on October 1, 2020.

Your flood insurance policy can pay claims when there is no presidentially declared disaster.  The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers disaster grants that do not have to be paid back, but this amount is often much less than what is needed to recover.  According to the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, if you have flood damage, and do not have flood insurance, there could be resources available to help you through the FEMA.  For info go to www.fema.gov.

If you suffer flood damage in Chesapeake, call your local SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at 252-331-7889.

Happy Administrative Professionals Day

4/24/2019 (Permalink)

Cassie, Lisa, and Brittany, our Administrative Staff

It's nice to have a day to recognize the people who help to make our SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banksoperate daily.  Behind the scenes, our administrative staff is helping to get your life back to normal again.  It begins with your call or your insurance company's no matter what time of the day.  Our crews are dispatched, and our estimator evaluates the damage.  Communication is kept throughout your claim between our company and your insurance company.  In cases where no insurance claims are filed, we will work directly with the homeowner or the business.  A water damage or fire damage loss make take only a day to cleanup or could take months.  Our staff works daily to make sure everyone involved has what they need to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Does Your Business Have a Contingency Plan?

4/23/2019 (Permalink)

Let Our SERVPRO® Be Your Local SERVPRO®

Hurricane season officially begins June 1.  Be Emergency Ready Elizabeth City and the Outer Banks.  Our app is a no-cost readiness plan that places your data on your mobile device for quick access during an emergency.  Download the Free App Here

The SERVPRO® Ready Plan is a tool for property managers and owners, both residential and commercial. By developing a SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile for your home or business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action.

Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your home or business.

Commercial Storm Damage Restoration in Chesapeake.

Storms and inclement weather can bring wind damage, heavy rain, and flooding that can devastate any business in a matter of minutes. 

Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises at your business, call your local SERVPRO® and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.


SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Gives to Local Women's Shelter

3/15/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks believes that "it Takes a Village".

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks and several of its employees collected women and children's clothing to give to a local women's shelter.

Our Textile restoration department cleaned the collected items, categorized, and boxed the items to deliver the boxes to the shelter. 

Due to the nature of necessary security and non-disclosure of the facility, we were not able to take photographs, but the director was thrilled and very appreciative for our continued support. 

Act Quickly When You Find Mold in Your Home

3/5/2019 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation in Elizabeth City and the Outer Banks

Mold happens because of excessive amounts of moisture either caused by a flood or a plumbing accident or poor circulation.  Whichever the reason, the proper way to handle mold damage is with mold remediation.   The complex process involves tasks like water extraction, spore containment, and air filtration.

Mold can be dark green, gray, or black with a fuzzy, velvety look and have a musty smell.  Mold can begin to grow in as little as 24 -48 hours depending on the level of humidity in the home.  Typically, the spores begin to colonize in 3 to 12 days and become visible in about 18-21 days.  When you first see the mold in your home, we suggest that you complete these tasks.

  • Examine You and Your Family for Symptoms as prolonged exposure to mold might cause health problems such as eye irritation, headaches, sneezing, sore throats and in some severe cases, skin rashes. When in doubt, seek the advice of your doctor.
  • Assess the Mold Problem to see how far the mold has spread and call an IICRC (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certificate) company, SERVPRO.
  • Schedule a Professional Visit regardless of the area of mold because Improper handling can cause the mold spores to spread.
  • Find the Mold Source to determine if you have a plumbing or HVAC leak, or a lack of circulation problem, like with a malfunctioning dehumidifier. This information will also help the mold remediation specialist determine how far the mold might extend.
  • Contact your Insurance Company immediately following Water Damage making them aware and then the professionals can be sent to cleanup and restore to help prevent further damage.

 If you see mold, ask for the mold remediation specialists in Chesapeake since 1996.  We work with your insurance company and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and holidays.  Learn more about all our cleaning services by visiting our website or call us at 252-331-7889 #HereToHelp

Water Heater Safety. . . Get to Know Your Water Heater

2/28/2019 (Permalink)

Water & Fire Damage Cleanup & Restoration in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

When it comes to your water heater, the old saying “out of sight, out of mind”, should not be taken lightly.  Water heater failure can cause flooding and even a fire and the following water heater safety tips can help to prevent a catastrophe.    Nationwide Insurance suggests that getting to know your water heater parts and routine maintenance can help to keep your water heater safe and help avoid a disaster. 

Water heater parts

A residential water tank can hold 40 to 60 gallons and needs to withstand typically 50 to 100 psi,  Steel tanks are tested to handle 300 psi and have glass liners to keep rust out of the water, and insulation to surround the tank.  Other parts to become familiar include:

  • A dip tube to let cold water into the tank
  • A thermostat to control the temperature of the water that is inside of the tank
  • A pipe to drain hot water out of the tank
  • Heating elements like those found inside of an electric oven
  • A drain valve to allow you to drain the tank to move it or replace the elements
  • A temperature or release valve that helps keep the tank from exploding
  • A sacrificial anode rod, screwed into the top of your water heater and protects your heater from rusting

Some important facts to remember about your water heater.

Pulling up on the pressure relief valve or temperature valve handle to make sure water flows freely out and stops when you let go of the handle can help prevent tanks from exploding and should be tested annually.

Temperature settings vary on residential tanks, but the right temperature is at least 120 degrees at the tap, which you can test with a meat or candy thermometer.  This temperature helps to kill germs and prevent children from being scalded.  When you go on vacation, set the temperature lower to save money and reduce risk of problems while away.

Venting is important as a poor draft can cause fumes and carbon monoxide to reenter a room instead of exiting. Make sure the vent goes straight up and out without any dips and is the same diameter as the tank’s draft diverter.

Flushing the hot water through the drain valve annually will help to remove sediment buildup.

Extinguish the pilot light when handling flammable liquids or aerosol.  If the water heater is in the garage, raise it to that the pilot light is 18” above the floor.  This is to help prevent ignition of gasoline vapors that collect near the floor.

Strapping your water heater can help prevent it from falling over which could sever a gas line and cause an explosion.

Insulation may help reduce heat loss on the hot water pipe and “sweating” on the cold-water pipe. 

Should you need water or fire damage cleanup and restoration in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, call your 24-hour emergency service company, operating since 1997.

What is a Furnace or Fireplace Puffback?

12/18/2018 (Permalink)

Soot Damage Cleanup in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

What is a Furnace or Fireplace Puffback?

Laughing at someone in a movie whose face has just been engulfed with black soot after standing in front of a fireplace is one thing, but in the real world when you hear that distinctive loud wuff sound, it turns into something else altogether, not so funny.  When your fireplace or furnace creates a puff of soot inside of your home, often called a puffback, suddenly you have a real sooty problem that needs to be handled quickly.

When a puffback happens, soot and oil residue can literally cover every surface that it can reach.  Puffbacks normally happen around this time of year when furnaces and fireplaces are fired up, no pun intended, after being dormant all summer.

In a furnace, a puffback is usually caused by a buildup of excess fuel, oil, even dirt or dust in the ignition chamber.  The buildup prevents oxygen from reaching the combustion chamber.  When the ignition flame in the furnace pulls in the rush of oxygen it needs to ignite, the result is a powerful explosion of soot and oil that can even come out of the wall or floor vents.

In a fireplace or woodstove puffback, the cause can be like the furnace, however, the cause is most likely a problem in the chimney.  There is usually a buildup of ash and leftover residue clumped in the chimney that creates an uneven air flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide.  The kindling and wood have plenty of fuel, but the oxygen it needs to burn is stuck above the chimney blockage.  The fire will eventually correct the imbalance by sucking in a large amount of oxygen all at once, igniting the excess fuel in the fireplace and the buildup in the chimney all at once.  The force of the ignition pushes ash and soot out of the fireplace.

Puffbacks can usually be prevented by routine chimney and furnace maintenance.  If you experience soot or smoke damage in Chesapeake, call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at 252-331-7889.

Before Winter Arrives. . . Don’t Let Pipes Freeze

12/4/2018 (Permalink)

Water pipes freeze in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks.

Before Winter Arrives. . . Don’t Let Pipes Freeze

A major home maintenance disaster is bad enough in itself, but when several disasters happen all at once, well that’s a nightmare.  Especially when your water pipes freeze because not only do you have to call a plumber, but that crack in your pipe can spew up to 250 gallons of water a day, causing flood damage, serious structure damage, and the immediate potential for mold damage.

The causes of frozen pipes are quick and sudden drops in temperature, poor insulation, and thermostats that are set too low.  Now is the time when the temps are warmer to prepare your home and here are a few preventive precaution steps.

  • Insulate your pipes in your crawlspace and in your attic. Exposed pipes are vulnerable, and the more insulation, the better.
  • Use approved and tested insulation products for use intended, either indoors or outdoors and make sure to follow the manufacturers’ instructions.
  • Seal those leaks near or around the pipes. Electrical wiring outlets, dryer vents, and pipes can be caulked or insulated to keep out the cold air.  The least little opening during severe cold weather can cause a pipe to freeze.
  • Disconnect garden hoses before winter and if you can drain water from indoor pipes that lead to outside faucets and shut off the valve. This can help prevent that little bit of inside pipe from freezing.

If you have water or flood damage, call us at 252-331-7889, Your 24Hr. Emergency Service.

Commercial Emergency Planning in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

11/20/2018 (Permalink)

Commercial Emergency Planning in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

The Best Way to Reduce Business Interruption Following a Disaster is to Plan for it NOW.

By developing a SERVPRO® Emergency Ready Profile for your business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action.   All your contacts, your property manager, engineers’ info, etc. accessible at the touch of a button.

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks offers complimentary ERP services to commercial business owners and facilitators.

Your ERP with SERVPRO® will include:           

  • A no cost assessment of your facility
  • A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in an emergency
  • A guide to help get you back into your building following a disaster
  • Establishes SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider
  • Identification of the line of command for authorizing work to begin
  • Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information.

Call Missy Burns at SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at (252)331-7889 today to get started!

How to Avoid a Fire Disaster this Holiday Season

11/1/2018 (Permalink)

Fire Safety in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks wants to help you avoid a fire disaster this holiday season.  November is a time of the year that inspires family get togethers, like Thanksgiving.  As you begin the holiday season, and are busy whipping up delicious dishes, it’s also important to take time to remember safety.  Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day and Christmas Eve.

Cooking fires are the leading cause of home fires and home-fire-related injuries in the U.S.  According to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency), cooking equipment and heating equipment are the leading causes of home fire deaths,  read more at Thanksgiving Safety  and watch the  Potential Danger of Turkey Fryers

If you have a cooking fire, consider just getting out and when you leave close the door behind you to help contain the fire.  Then call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number after you leave.  Consider for an over fire, to turn off the heat and keep the door closed and to keep a lid nearby when cooking to smother small grease fires. 

SERVPRO Elizabeth City/Outer Banks want you, your family, and your property to stay safe.  If you do experience a fire or water damage during the holidays, or any time of the year, we can make it “Like it never even happened.”

November is Military Family Month.  All of us would like to thank all service members and their families during Military Family Month and all year-round.

Developing Your Emergency Plan & Your Family/Household Living Needs

9/10/2018 (Permalink)

Practice your Family Emergency Plan

While planning your emergency plan, you should consider specific needs of those family/household members.  You can tailor it and your supplies to those specific daily living needs and responsibilities. 

Discuss these specifics with each other and determine how you can assist each other with communication, taking care of the children, the business, the pets, and even specific needs like the operation of durable medical equipment. 

It is recommended to create your own personal network for specific areas where you will need help.  These factors are important to remember when developing your plan.

  • Different ages of members within your household
  • Dietary needs
  • Medical needs that include prescriptions & equipment
  • Responsibilities for assisting others
  • Disabilities or access and functional needs that include devices & equipment
  • Locations frequented
  • Languages spoken
  • Cultural and religious considerations
  • Pets or service animals
  • Households and school aged children

Download and fill out an Emergency Family Plan or use it as a guide to create your own.  Practice your plan with your family/household.

Next Blog:  Get Your Kids On Your Team

Get Your Kids On Your Team!

9/10/2018 (Permalink)

Get Your Kids On Your Team!

Get Your Kids On Your Team!

Young children and teens need to be part of the emergency planning process for their own safety and sense of empowerment.  The burden of preparing for emergencies should not fall upon your shoulders alone.

Here are team building suggestions:

Play these games with your kids to test your know-how in a wide range of emergencies and they will help teach how to build the perfect emergency kit in a fun way!

Knowing how to respond to your child during or after a disaster is important.  Learn more about  helping children cope during and after a disaster.

Hurricane Safety During and After

9/10/2018 (Permalink)

Hurricane Safety During and After

Plan Ahead. . . Survive During and After

We know that hurricanes are massive storm systems that threaten us with powerful winds, heavy rainfall, storm surges, coastal and inland flooding, rip currents, tornadoes and even landslides.  Hurricanes are the most active in September.  You know what to do to plan ahead, and now let’s discuss how to SURVIVE DURING  the hurricane.

  • If you have been told to evacuate, do so immediately and do not drive around barricades.
  • If sheltering during high winds, go to a FEMA safe room, or an ICC 500 storm shelter, or a small, interior windowless room or hallway on the lowest floor that is not subject to flooding.
  • If you are trapped in a building by flooding, go to the highest level of the building. Do not climb into a closed attic, as you may become trapped by rising flood water.
  • Listen for current emergency information and instructions.
  • Use a generator or other gasoline powered machines outdoors only and away from windows.
  • Do not walk, swim, or drive through flood waters. Turn around. Don’t Drown!  Just 6 inches of moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.
  • Stay off of bridges over fast moving water.

Be safe AFTER

  • Listen to authorities for information and special instructions.
  • Be careful during clean-up. Wear protective clothing and work with someone else.
  • Do not touch electrical equipment if it is wet or if you are standing in water. If it is safe to do so, turn off electricity at the main breaker or fuse box to prevent electric shock.
  • Avoid wading in flood water, which can contain dangerous debris. Underground or downed power lines can also electrically charge the water.
  • Save phone calls for emergencies. Phone systems are often down or busy after a disaster. Use text messages or social media to communicate with family and friends.
  • Document any property damage with photographs. Contact your insurance company for assistance.

When a Hurricane is 18-6 Hours from Arriving

9/10/2018 (Permalink)

When a Hurricane is 18-6 Hours from Arriving

When a Hurricane is 18-6 Hours from Arriving

We know that hurricanes are massive storm systems that threaten us with powerful winds, heavy rainfall, storm surges, coastal and inland flooding, rip currents, tornadoes and even landslides.  Hurricanes are the most active in September.  Plan Ahead for when a hurricane is 18 – 6 hours from arriving.

  • Bring inside any loose, lightweight objects that cannot be anchored as they could become projectile in high winds.
  • Trim or remove trees that are close enough to fall on your home or building.
  • Cover your home’s windows. Permanent storm shutters offer the best protection, but a second option is to board up the windows with 5/8” exterior grade or marine plywood, cut to fit and ready to install.
  • Bookmark on your phone or computer your city or county website for quick access to storm updates and emergency instructions

When a hurricane is 6-18 hours from arriving

  • Turn on your TV/radio or check your city/county website every 30 minutes to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.
  • Charge your cell phone now so you will have a full battery in case you lose power.

When a hurricane is 6 hours from arriving

  • If you are in an area that is recommending evacuation, plan to stay at home, or where you are and notify friends and family.
  • Close storm shutters and stay away from the windows to be safe from flying glass.
  • Turn your refrigerator and/or freezer to the coldest setting and open only when necessary. Keep a thermometer in the refrigerator to be able to check the food temp when the power is restored.
  • Turn on your TV/radio or check your city/county website every 30 minutes to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.

Next:  Plan Ahead. . . Survive During and After

Hurricanes. . . Plan Ahead

9/7/2018 (Permalink)

Hurricanes. . . Plan Ahead FEMA News Photo

Hurricanes. . . Plan Ahead

Hurricanes are huge storm systems that form over warm ocean waters.  These systems move towards land with threats of powerful winds, heavy rainfall, storm surges, coastal and inland flooding, rip currents, landslides and tornadoes.  The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30.  Hurricanes are most active in September.

  • Remember that if you are under a hurricane warning, you should find shelter sooner rather than later to protect yourself from high winds and flooding. You should evacuate if you are told to do so.  If you must take refuge, you should do so in a storm shelter, or an interior room for high winds.  Make sure you have a way to receive and listen for emergency information and alerts.  Use a generator outdoors only and away from windows. #FloodSmart turn around, don’t drown!  You shouldn’t walk, swim, or drive through flood waters.

Plan Ahead

When a hurricane is 36 hours from arriving

  • Turn on the TV or radio to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.
  • Restock your emergency preparedness kit, and include food & water enough for at least three days, medications, a flashlight, batteries, cash, and first aid supplies.
  • Prepare to use your family communication plan if you lose power. For example you can call, text, or email or use social media.  Remember that during disasters, sending text messages is usually more reliable and faster than making a phone call.
  • Know and review your evacuation route and shelter locations with your family as you may have to leave quickly.
  • Keep your car in good working condition with a full tank of gas, emergency supplies and extra clothing.

Next:  Plan Ahead. . . When a Hurricane is 18 -36 hours From Arriving

An Emergency and Communication Plan for North Carolina Residents

9/5/2018 (Permalink)

Make a Plan Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

Elizabeth City/Outer Banks start with an emergency plan today, a communication plan.   You and your family may not be together if a disaster strikes your area.  You will need to know how you will contact one another and to reconnect if you are separated.  Establish a family meeting place that is easy to find and familiar.  Ready.gov  advises ways to put your emergency plan in action today. 

Elizabeth City has a Code Red alert system in place to reach you during an emergency situation. Read more.  

The ReadyNC mobile app alerts people living in or visiting North Carolina.

First, schedule a time to meet with your family, friends, or household members to discuss these questions.

  1. Am I set up to receive emergency alerts and warnings.
  2. What is my shelter plan? Taking appropriate shelter is critical in times of disaster.
  3. What is my evacuation route? Plan how you will leave and where you will go if you are advised to evacuate.
  4. How will our family/household communicate? Download the Family Emergency Plan

Next blog:  Your Emergency Plan and Your Family Daily Living Needs and Responsibilities

Read more about a Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Business Emergency Plan.

September is National Preparedness Month & 9/11 Day of Remembrance

8/24/2018 (Permalink)

September is National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness month is recognized each September and helps provide an opportunity to remind us that we all must prepare ourselves and our families now and throughout the year. 

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks in conjunction with FEMA will focus this month on planning, with the NPM theme:  Disasters Happen, Prepare Now.  Learn How.  During the month of September, we will post weekly blogs on topics surrounding How to Make and Practice Your Plan; Learn Life Saving Skills, Check Your Coverage, and Saving For an Emergency. 

It is important to take time to learn lifesaving skills such as CPR and first aid, to check your insurance policies and coverage for hazards you may face such as floods and hurricanes.  You need to consider the costs from those hazards and that you may need to save for an emergency.  Also, knowing how to shut off water and gas is an important safety step to know in advance.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has a free Emergency Ready Plan mobile app and service to help businesses be prepared for an emergency.  The all in one place, at your fingertips mobile app will help provide the first responders with the immediate information they need to help minimize the damage and to quickly get you back in business.  As a free service to you, our SERVPRO Representative will meet with you and your key personnel, to plug in your business facility details that will help you and your employees to be ready for whatever happens.  Call us to learn more about our ERP Business Plan.

Take a moment to learn more about a victim of the 9/11 attacks by exploring the 9/11 Memorial Guide.

Extreme Heat Safety Precautions

8/8/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

As summer approaches it is time to consider safety precautions for extreme heat. Heat affects all people, but is particularly dangerous for the sick, elderly and young.

According to the EPA, "the sun can heat dry, exposed urban surfaces, such as roofs and pavement, to temperatures 50-90° F hotter than the air, while shaded or moist surfaces often in more rural settings remain close to air temperatures." 

Whether you are in an urban or rural area, there are several things you can do to prepare for and prevent extreme heat from affecting you and your family. If possible stay indoors with the air conditioning. always Remember to care for your pets and bring them indoors or provide them shade and water. Be sure to keep hydrating and limit alcohol and caffeine intake. 

If you must venture outdoors, wear light-colored, and loose-fitted clothing. It is also important to wear sunscreen when outdoors, and to follow the instructions for repeat application. 

Pay attention to signs of heat exhaustion, which include: heavy sweating, weakness, cold, pale and clammy skin, nausea or vomiting, and fainting according to the Center For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC). Heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke, which is life-threatening. Signs of heat stroke are a high body temperature (103°+), rapid and strong pulse, and possible unconsciousness. If you think someone has heat stroke, call 911 immediately and move the person somewhere cool. Try to reduce the body temperature with cool, wet clothes or a bath. Do not give the person with heat stroke fluids and treat the situation as a serious medical emergency. (CDC)

If you live in a humid climate, be aware of the heat index. The heat index factors in the humidity, which can make the temperature feel 15° hotter. 

Extreme Heat Safety Tips to Prepare Your Home

  • Install window air conditioners snugly, insulate if necessary
  • Check air-conditioning ducts for proper ventilation
  • Install temporary window reflectors (for use between windows and drapes). Aluminum foil covered card board can be used to reflect heat back outside. 
  • Cover windows that receive morning or afternoon sun with drapes, shades, awnings, or louvers, to reduce the heat that enters a home by up to 80%.

source ready.gov

Extreme Heat is a danger. For more information on preparation and prevention, visit https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/index.html

Rodent Infestation Cleanup in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

8/2/2018 (Permalink)

Cleaning after rat infestation in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

In most cases, you may never see a mouse or a rat, unless your infestation is severe.  Such is the case for a local business with rats living above the ceiling and in the walls .  

Ceiling tiles had to be removed and replaced, the carpets had to be cleaned and treated to safely remove urine and feces.  

Evidence that you may have a problem is the obvious droppings around drawers, cabinets, or under the sink.  Nesting will produce piles of shredded material, so look for signs of chewing on walls, floors, or food packages.

If you see any of these infestation signs, please take action and precaution. First,  you need to have the rodents trapped and removed and seal up all point of entry, holes. 

This article offers advise on How to get rid of mice.   Once this has been successfully done, then the cleanup process can begin.

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks  technicians are trained and qualified to safely clean and disinfect your home or office to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Pre-Planning Helps Minimize Business Interruptions

7/20/2018 (Permalink)

Don't Be a Statistic, Call SERVPRO Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

Pre-planning for an emergency can serve as an insurance policy aimed at peace of mind. Just knowing you are "Ready for whatever happens" speaks trust to your clients and employees that in the event your business is affected by a disaster, they don’t necessarily have to be.

The SERVPRO® Emergency Ready Profile is a web-based interface design.  Our app is a no-cost readiness plan that places your ready plan data on your mobile device for quick access during an emergency.  Download the Free App

By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your business, you help minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business.

?A no cost assessment of your facility.
This means there is no need to allocate funds, giving you a great value at no cost.

?A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency.
It will only take a little time to complete and will not take you away from current projects. But it will save a lot of time if ever needed.

?A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster.
This can help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive by having an immediate plan of action.

?Establishes your local SERVPRO Franchise Professional as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider.
You have a provider that is recognized as an industry leader and close by.

?Identification of the line of command for authorizing work to begin.
This saves time, so we can begin the work of mitigating the damage which can save you time and money.

?Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information.
Having a quick reference of what to do, how to do it and who to call provides solutions in advance of an emergency so that during the emergency you are "Ready for whatever happens."

Ready to Get Started?  Call 252-331-7889

When Your Sewage System Backs Up in the Outer Banks

7/5/2018 (Permalink)

Sewage Cleanup in the Outer Banks

A sewage system backed up in this home and flooded the entire bathroom.  This is called a category 3 water contamination.  The cleanup requires professionally trained technicians and professional equipment.  

Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences. A failure to properly remove such substances can contribute to unhealthy and dangerous environments.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks is trained to safely remove biohazards and dispose of them properly in accordance with OSHA and health regulations. Equipped with the necessary safety apparatus and cleaning products, we can help transform these unhealthy environments back into clean, safe homes and offices.

Please refer to our Biohazard Emergency Tips - Until Help Arrives Guide and follow these tips to protect yourself and your property.

After any biohazard or sewage contamination in your home or business, your primary focus should be safety:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences.
  • Flood water can contain sewage, pesticides, and other contaminants.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.

What to Do After a Contamination

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Call emergency service personnel if the situation is life-threatening.
  • Treat all bodily fluids as if they are contaminated.
  • Turn off the HVAC system if there is sewage damage.

What Not to Do After a Contamination

  • Don’t leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don’t leave books, magazines, or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don’t use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don’t use television or other household appliances.
  • Don’t turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

Need Biohazard Cleanup Services?
Call Us Today – (252) 331-7889

Are You Being Exposed to Mold?

6/27/2018 (Permalink)

The Mold That You Can Not See.

You may have written off your itchy eyes, coughing and sneezing as seasonal allergies, but the truth is you may be dealing with an even bigger problem: mold.  

Mold is not a new problem.  Every house, every environment has mold spores, but mold becomes an issue when the mold spores in the home are greater than what is found outside.

Mold is one of the more threatening of organisms and SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks takes it very seriously. The danger lies in the fact the mold is often not easy to find. It likes to hide and can be harbored in any cool, damp place inside your home or place of business. Most people only think of showers and bathrooms as harboring mold, but truthfully, it can hide in attics, crawlspaces, closets, even inside the walls or under the floor.

Every mold damage scenario is different, and requires a unique solution, but the general mold remediation process stays the same. The steps listed below illustrate our “typical” process:

  1. Emergency Contact - (252) 331-7889
  2. Inspection and Mold Damage Assessment
  3. Mold Containment
  4. Air Filtration
  5. Removing Mold and Mold-Infested Materials
  6. Cleaning Contents and Belongings
  7. Restoration

When Your Stuff Gets Wet

6/27/2018 (Permalink)

Ceiling Leak Restoration in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

When Your Stuff Gets Wet

Water Damages your contents and things too.  SERVPRO Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has seen its share of water damage.  The damage can happen from a leaking pipe between the wall, a leaking toilet, a dishwasher relief valve that fails, a refrigeration line fail, a water heater leak, an HVAC system ceiling leak and of course havoc from mother nature.

Most often our first thought is about damage to the floors or to the ceiling, or even the walls.  Then the realization that your contents, your treasures, your projects, your books have been damaged too.

We are your Emergency call to action experts when disaster strikes your home or business 24/7.  

For over 20 years, SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks helps to make it#LikeItNeverEvenHappened #HeretoHelp #SERVPROOBX

Does Your Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Business Have the SERVPRO ERP Plan?

6/18/2018 (Permalink)

Let Us Help Your Business to be Ready for the Next Emergency

Your Business Should Have The SERVPRO® ERP System

The SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile system is a web-based interface designed to hasten our response times to business emergency calls.  The system was designed to help save business owner's time and money, allowing your doors to re-open more quickly.  

The SERVPRO ERP System requires the uploading of relevant information that completes and personalizes your business profile.  Upon your request, one of our Marketing Representatives will help you complete your profile at no cost.

Your business profile will help your SERVPRO Marketing Representative to know your specific emergency contacts, business needs and circumstances before the emergency strikes your business.

Our SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile system is especially beneficial to motels and restaurants when emergency relief workers will need to a place to stay and to eat. 

Here is a brief overview of some of the benefits the SERVPRO ERP System integration can provide your business.

Multiple Business Management 
When water damage strikes multiple business locations in Chesapeake, and surrounding areas at once, it can be difficult for some owners to form an adequate response plan of action for each of those locations.  The SERVPRO ERP System allows you to create a separate profile for each business under your jurisdiction.  This function has proved to be very effective in major storm and flood emergencies.

Insurance, Utilities, and Contact Management 
Businesses often have numerous connected suppliers, insurers, and other business partners that must be contacted in the event of an emergency.  The SERVPRO ERP System allows you to store and organize relevant contact lists and insurance information on a location-by-location basis, increasing communications efficacy for both you and SERVPRO.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has been helping local homes and businesses from the effects of water damage through quality care, equipment, and personnel for over 20 years.

For more information on the SERVPRO ERP System call us at (252)331-7889.

Preventive Maintenance Tips for Commercial Properties

6/18/2018 (Permalink)

Commercial Preventive Maintenance Tips

It is spring time, but winter conditions may have caused stress to commercial structures. Spring is an important time to make sure certain tasks are completed to prepare for summer and repair any damage caused by extreme cold and wet weather. Proactive maintenance can help prevent damage to a property, saving time and money throughout the year and can also help with insurance claims.  Below are a few items to be examined and cleaned.

Roof and Exterior

Wind, snow and rain can impact a building’s roof and exterior. Walking the property and being on the lookout for standing water or leaks from roofs and gutters is important. Chipped paint, siding dents and damage, cracked or leaking windows, foundation cracks, roof leaks, and clogged gutters should all be photographed, reported and repaired. If left unresolved, long-term issues can lead to more serious issues including foundation erosion and more.

Landscaping and Irrigation

Harsh winds, rain and snow can damage plants and limbs, especially on boxwoods, small shrubs and ornamental trees. Mulching, trimming broken limbs, pruning back plants, and cleaning debris needs to be done to prepare for spring growth.  Irrigation systems need to be checked for damage and proper drainage to be ready for the dry summer season.


Warmer temperatures arriving means the facility mechanical systems should be inspected and maintained. Replacement of air filters, flushing of water heaters, and checking carbon monoxide detectors and sprinkler and fire suppression systems should be done before summer arrives.

Call Us Today to Prepare Your Emergency Ready Profile-(252)331-7889

Controlling Moisture is Key to Controlling Mold

6/15/2018 (Permalink)

Mold Cleanup in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

Controlling Moisture is Key to Controlling Mold

  • Keep humidity levels as low as you can—no higher than 50%--all day long. An air conditioner or dehumidifier will help you keep the level low. Humidity levels change throughout the day as changes occur in the moisture in the air and the air temperature, so check the humidity levels more than once a day.
  • If you see condensation or moisture collecting on windows, walls or pipes ACT QUICKLY to dry the wet surface and reduce the moisture/water source.  Condensation can be a sign of high humidity.
  • Be sure your home has enough ventilation. Use exhaust fans, which vent outside your home in the kitchen and bathroom. Make sure your clothes dryer vents outside your home.
  • Fix any leaks in your home’s roof, walls, or plumbing so mold does not have moisture to grow.
  • Clean up and dry out your home thoroughly and quickly (within 24–48 hours) after flooding.
  • Remove or replace carpets and upholstery that have been soaked and cannot be dried promptly. Consider not using carpet in rooms or areas like bathrooms or basements that may have a lot of moisture.

If you see signs of mold, call us today- (252)331-7889.

Esporta Technology Cleans Soft Contents Mold

6/15/2018 (Permalink)

Cleaning Mold in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

When you have water damage in your home or property, typically the floors, walls and ceilings are affected.  SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks will take care of the water damaged structure and we will also clean the affected contents.

SERVPRO carefully inventories and packs your contents to deliver to our facility.  Upon arrival, our Textile Restoration Experts will begin the water damage cleaning and restoration process to those items.  

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has state-of-the-art cleaning system on-site that can make water damaged, mold damaged, and even smoke and soot damaged items look like new again. 

Our Esporta Wash System specializes in the cleaning of soft contents items, such as stuffed animals, shoes, purses, etc.  It helps allow us to Restore, not Replace.

After your items have been cleaned, our professionals will schedule a time to deliver them back to you.

Need Your Drapes or Blinds Cleaned?  Call Today- (252)331-7889

Salvaging Personal Belongings

6/14/2018 (Permalink)

Water Damaged Chair Gets Cleaned

One of the most common topics after a client suffers water damage, is how and what can be salvaged and restored. Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer.  Every water damage is unique and case by case. Once we have received notice of your water loss and the source has been stopped, our SERVPRO specialists will identify the source to begin the restoration process.

Here are some things to consider:

Identity the Type of Water Damage

Determining what type of water has damaged your personal belongings is part of our inspection process.   In the restoration industry we categorize water as clean water, a category 1, gray water is category 2 and black water is category 3. 

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has the Esporta technology that cleans all these water damage categories including category 3 contaminated water. 

Porous vs Non-Porous Materials

Porous materials such as fabrics, wood, and paper are very good at retaining water. Porosity also means the increase in the chance of other dangers like mold growth, and even damage beyond repair or restoration.  Here in lies the case by case scenario.  Porous materials such as marble, metal, and porcelain - among others - usually have no problem in being restored because bacteria and mold are not usually able to root to their surface.

The Amount of Time the Water has Saturated Your Belongings

Another factor that will come into the equation of determining what can and cannot be saved is how long the materials have been wet.  The longer a porous item sits in water, the more difficult to bring it back to its preloss state. The perfect example of this is wooden furniture. Belongings that are left damp or wet and exposed to the elements are at a greater risk for mold growth and may not be salvageable.   Acting quickly and calling your local SERVPRO as soon as you discover the water damage is key to restoration success.

Restoration or Replacement Costs

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks will always try to restore your water damaged items to their preloss condition unless they are beyond restoration. 

We know that your belongings are what help to make your home a home.  Our restoration helps to save you and your insurance company money, not to mention prevents landfill pollution.  If restoration is not an option, then replacement is usually the next option.

When you hire the professionals at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, you know that your water damage has been assessed and your belongings have been analyzed for the best course of action to help make it “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO Green Products

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Likes Being Green

We must all be environmentally conscious and SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has Green cleaning products which allows us to finish any cleaning project in an environmentally sound way. 

If you need a good Spring cleaning in your office or home, we have the expertise to provide a deeper clean than your basic house cleaning services. 

Our SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks technicians are highly trained in cleanup services and can professionally clean your carpet, upholstery, furniture, drapery, blinds, and hardwood floors, all which will surely brighten and freshen up your home.  We have products designed to clean carpet and upholstery and surface and glass cleaner all of which are environmentally friendly.  

Let us not only get rid of the dirt you see, but also remove the unwanted dust you don't see.  Need Cleaning Services in Elizabeth City or the Outer Banks? Call us today-252-331-7889.

Be Prepared North Carolina-Get a PLAN

6/4/2018 (Permalink)

Determine Your Risk

In 2017, many regions suffered through nightmarish scenarios from multiple hurricanes. Your local North Carolina government says that you should not only have an emergency plan for disasters, but a plan for hurricane evacuations.  

Evacuation plans should include what route you will take, what vehicles you will use, and where you will stay.

Your local emergency management has the ability to send emergency alerts to residents, visitors and property owners via text, email, and over the phone.  

What Your Should Know, What You Should Do Outer Banks

"Hurricanes cause high winds, tornadoes and landslides, but their deadliest hazard is flooding. Tropical storms and depressions can be just as dangerous."

Know your flood zone  

Your local planning department can help you to determine the flood zone of your property or obtain information on historical flooding in your neighborhood.

Have Storm or Flood Damage?       Call Us Today (252) 331-7889

Hurricane Preparedness- Determine Your Risk

6/4/2018 (Permalink)

Emergency Checklist

June is the time to make weather-readiness a priority in North Carolina.  The first step in hurricane preparedness is determining your risk. 

Find out now what types of wind and water hazards could happen where you live or work, and then start preparing now for how to handle those hazards.

The coastal areas of North Carolina can be susceptible to storm surge, high winds, flooding, and tornadoes and the central portion can be susceptible to inland freshwater flooding, high winds, and tornadoes.  Even when hurricanes stay out at sea, the North Carolina coast can still be impacted by large swells and deadly rip currents.

An informed and motivated public will help to save lives and livelihoods.  Prepare and complete an emergency preparedness plan, make or update your emergency kit, and be an example, share you preparedness with others. 

Have Storm or Flood Damage?

Best Smart Water Leak Detectors of 2018

5/31/2018 (Permalink)

Best Smart Water Leak Detectors of 2018

The best smart water leak detectors of 2018 were picked recently by Reviewed.com and shared on This Old House.  The best were tested for responsiveness and ease of setup, put in simulated leaks and even submerged in water.

At SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks we know all about water damage cleanup and restoration.  Pipes freeze, dishwashers and refrigerators leak, and HVAC systems leak in the attic.  You need to keep your home protected against water and flood damage.

New technology can send alerts to your phone and notify you even when you are hundreds of miles away that you have a home or business water leak or flood.   The best of the best recommended was the Honeywell Lyric water leak and freeze detector. . . read more about water and flood sensors.

Best Smart Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Detector of 2018

5/31/2018 (Permalink)

Best Smart Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Detector of 2018

The best smart smoke/carbon monoxide detectors of 2018 were picked recently by Reviewed.com and shared on This Old House. 

The top smoke detectors and monitors on the market were put through their paces before being selected.  

Regular smoke detectors beep when they sense smoke, and if they are not connected to a fire department, are only valuable if you are home. 

Smart smoke detectors will send you a push notification when the alarm goes off, and give you a heads up when the battery is low.  The top pick Halo+ excelled with its speed of notifications whether connected to WiFi or not, detecting smoke or carbon monoxide.  Read more about best right now.

At SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, we know about Fire Damage Cleanup and Restoration.  Let us help make it "Like it never even happened."

How Does Your Home Measure Up to Fire Safety

5/31/2018 (Permalink)

Beware of the Dead Zone

More often then not, the sound from a smoke detector is more reliable than your senses to alert you of a fire when you are sound asleep.  

Many people think that they will wake up because they will be able to smell the smoke.  Not so, because your sense of smell shuts down when you sleep, and your sense of hearing is more active.

The National Fire Protection Association  reported that 2 out 5 home fires that sustained fire damage, either did not have smoke alarms or they were disabled. 

Make sure that your alarm is placed properly so that you'll not be tempted to disable the alarm and installed correctly to ensure it's effectiveness and efficiency.  How does your home measure up for fire safety?

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks can answer your questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage

Keeping Kids Safe Near Water

5/31/2018 (Permalink)

Water Safety

As the warmer weather arrives, and summer time fun begins, parents and children must be alert and prepared when it comes to pool and water safety.

The most important tip from children's heath care professionals is for parents to always keep their eyes on their kids around water whether at a pool, a water park or at the beach.  

Swim lessons are powerful and important and recommended instead of depending on floating devices for safety.

When choosing a life jacket, make sure that the life jacket is Coast Guard certified. The label on the back will give you weight parameters and who the life jacket is suited. 

Remember to never rely on noodles, or other flotation devices to save your child's life.

Summer Safety Tips on Water Safety

Being Green on the Green with SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

5/24/2018 (Permalink)

Green is fun with peers and insurance adjusters

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks takes great pride in being a part of the community.

Local SERVPRO Franchises recently joined together in support of the Hampton Roads Claims Association and it's annual golf tournament.  

The franchises combined were the tournament's dinner sponsors for the golf tournament which took place at Red Wing Lake Golf Course in Virginia Beach. 

The non-profit organization HRCA is in the Insurance Claim Industry and actively seeks to raise money for local civic and philanthropic ventures.  

Your local SERVPRO franchises are happy to be a part of this golfing fun and to help make a difference in organizations such as Edmarc Hospice for Children, ForKids, Stop Abuse and many others.  See some of our fun at Being Green on the Green!

Four Significant Ways to Prevent Water Damage

5/7/2018 (Permalink)

Water Damage in Elizabeth City,/Outer Banks

The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety reminds us that those annoying leaky faucets if left unchecked and unfixed,  could cost thousands of dollars in damage.  USAA suggests (4) significant ways to prevent water damage.

  • Inspect Your Attic Leaky Roofs are the #1 leading cause of water damage. Musty smells, water stains on the ceiling or floor, missing shingles or damp insulation.
  • Check Your Bathroom from cracked or missing caulk around tub, sinks, and toilets.  Water damage from one toilet can cost $2,000-10,000.
  • Keep Your Kitchen Dry by checking your refrigerator ice maker & dishwasher supply lines for kinks or cracks.  Check under the dishwasher for water.  Vacuum the coils on your frig every 6 months.  Proper maintenance can help your fridge to last 13 years.
  • Watch Over Your Utility Room as 75% of water heaters fail before they're 12 years old and check your washer for leaks, cracks & bulges.  Replace supply lines every 5 years with steel braided hose.

Every water damage situation is different and requires a unique solution, but the Water Damage Restoration Process stays the same.  

Have Water or Flood Damage in Elizabeth City or Outer Banks?  Call us Today- 252-331-7889  #AlwaysHereToHelp #LikeItNeverEvenHappened #WaterDamageInElizabethCity #WaterDamageInOuterBanks

Commercial Water Damage in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

5/7/2018 (Permalink)

Commercial Water Damage in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

Flooding and water damage can strike your Elizabeth City/Outer Banks commercial property at any time. Water damage can sideline your business, regardless if the damage occurs from a major storm event or a broken water line. 

At SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks,  we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area.  Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity.  In many instances, normal operation can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Commercial Water Restoration Presents Unique Challenges

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore while working within your budget line.

Our staff are Highly Trained Restoration Specialists trained in property damage restoration.  From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO's corporate training facility to regular IICRC industry certification, rest assured that our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Remember, when you have an emergency water event in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks our Professionals offer fast, 24 hour emergency services, 365 days per year. 252-331-7889

Commercial Water Damage Restoration Facts

5/7/2018 (Permalink)

Commercial Water Damage in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

In the restoration industry, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to water and the havoc it can wreak.  

Water Restoration Facts

  • A sheet of drywall standing upright in 1/2" of water can absorb as much as 6 inches in less than 3 hours.
  • Water is known as a "universal solvent" because it dissolves more substances than any other liquid.
  • Mold typically begins to grow within 24 to 48 hours in an untreated, moist environment.
  • A puddle of water around a water heater indicates a slow leak, or rusted or corroded fittings.  Act quickly as water heaters are under a great deal of water pressure.

Water Contamination Categories in the Restoration Industry

  • Category One-Water from a clean source that poses no risk of sickness or discomfort such as from an overflowing bathtub or from a broken water supply pipe.
  • Category Two-Water that has a significant degree of chemical, biological and/or physical contamination such as water from a dishwasher or washer, or aquarium leak or discharged Category One water that sits untreated for more than 24 hours becomes a Category Two.
  • Category Three- Water coming from a grossly unsanitary source or carrying disease causing agents such as releases from septic systems and flood waters or discharged Category One water that sits for more than 48 hours becomes Category Three, or discharged Category Two water that sits for more than 24 hours becomes Category Three.

The use of chemical agents that act as biocides may be used when there is a need to control or destroy pathogenic microorganisms during a restoration project.  The EPA defines three levels of biocidal activity:

  • Sanitizers which are designed to reduce the number of microorganisms
  • Disinfectants which are designed to destroy or inhibit the growth, but not necessarily  the spores.
  • Sterilizers which are designed to destroy all microorganisms and their spores, such as mold, bacteria, viruses, etc.

Have Commercial Water Damage Questions?  Call 252-331-7889

Emergency Ready Plan in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

5/3/2018 (Permalink)

Our App is a No-Cost Readiness Plan for your Elizabeth City , Outer Banks Home or Business.

Be Emergency Ready Elizabeth City and the Outer Banks.  Our app is a no-cost readiness plan that places your ready plan data on your mobile device for quick access during an emergency.  Download the Free App

The SERVPRO® Ready Plan is a tool for property managers and owners, both residential and commercial.

It allows for the creation of an Emergency READY Profile. By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your home or business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action.

Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your home or business.

Commercial Storm Damage Restoration in Elizabeth City and the Outer Banks

Storms and inclement weather can bring wind damage, heavy rain, and flooding that can devastate any business in a matter of minutes. 

Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

Want a Free Business Assessment? Call Us Today (252) 331-7889

Spring Wildfire Season. . . Are You Prepared North Carolina?

4/25/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Elizabeth City/Outer Banks 252-331-7889.

Wildfire Season Awareness in North Carolina.

The Wildland/Urban Interface or (WUI) is defined in North Carolina as the area where homes and communities meet or intermingle with undeveloped wild land vegetation.

Wildfires that occur in the WUI can be extremely dangerous or destructive to lives and property.  NC ranks number one in the amount of land area that falls inside of the WUI and 5th in the number of homes in the WUI.  The North Carolina Forestry Service has an Online Burning Permit System in place and says that "it is not a matter of "if" a wildfire will occur, but "when" it will happen".

Our friends at Allstate say that the best defense is to be prepared and offer these steps that you can take to prepare your family property and home.

  • Determine your risk level and then create a ring of three defensible fire zones around your home.
  • Build a disaster preparedness kit with water, food, dust masks, a first-aid kit and other essentials.
  • Create a family communication plan, plan an evac route and follow it immediately if an evacuation is ordered.

Fire damage can be devastating for you and your family.  SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks will provide you with caring and expert guidance through the crisis.  Please refer to our Fire Damage Tips-Until Help Arrives Guide and follow these tips to protect yourself and your property.

Mold. . . Don't Let It Grow!

4/24/2018 (Permalink)

Don't Let Mold Grow in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks


SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks suggests that property owners and managers take precautions and address water intrusions such as leaks, storm damage and equipment failure immediately.  Mold is more likely to spread when an environment has been subjected to moisture for a good period. 

Did you know that during summer and hot weather, air conditioning can de-humidity indoor space?  However, if the system is too large or too small for the space it serves, the cooling system can create high humidity by cooling without removing water vapor.  A properly sized and maintained system will dehumidify and cool a home.

Proactive Mold Preventative Measures

  • Inspect dwelling for any evidence of past moisture problems or leaks, i.e. behind refrigerator, under sinks, around toilets, laundry room, crawl space & attic, baseboards, window frames, door frames, ceiling tiles
  • Address strong musty odors which may indicate the presence of mold
  • Make sure appliances that produce moisture such as clothes dryers and stoves are properly vented to the outside
  • Make sure bathrooms are properly ventilated
  • Clean and/or repair gutters and assure that the water flow from downspouts is directed away from your foundation
  • Inspect the roof annually and after severe weather
  • Check the attic regularly for leaks
  • Inspect and clean air ducts and HVAC annually and make sure HVAC drip pans are clean and flow properly & check vents and filters

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City / Outer Banks is dedicated to responding immediately when you contact us.  A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces cost.

For more information contact Gordon Smith 757-943-1273

Yellow Mold in Your Outer Banks Home

4/12/2018 (Permalink)

Mold cleanup in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks.

Why is there yellow mold growing in your home?  Where did it come from, and what do you need to do about it?

What we do know is that mold grows in damp areas like bathrooms, around leaky plumbing, around leaky window frames, in damp basements, or in attics with a leaky roof.  Did you know that mold comes in different colors too?  Yep, mold can be yellow, white, brown, green, and of course black.

Special care needs to be taken to remove mold even for what may seem to be a simple task.  Mold spores spread easily and can become airborne, scattering to other areas of your home, making the mold problem even worse.  Even worse, those mold spores when inhaled can cause serious health risks such as an itchy rash, wheezing, and sore throats.

In as little as 48 hours, mold can quickly become a problem in your home or business when there’s a water intrusion, like a roof leak or leaking water line. In addition to health risks, mold can cause property damage. 

What you can do until help arrives

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has the training, protective gear, and specialized equipment necessary to handle your mold problem.

Have a Mold Problem? 
Call Us Today – (252) 331-7889

Free Air Duct System Inspection in Elizabeth City and Outer Banks

4/11/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks offers a FREE Residential or Commercial Air Duct System Inspection.  Now you have a reason to add an air duct inspection to your Spring cleaning to do list. 

The excitement of warm weather seems to encourage us to want to clean.  SERVPRO remediation specialists suggests adding heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) maintenance to prepare for the warmer weather to come.  SERVPRO Industries, CEO, Sue Steen suggests the maintenance will help your HVAC work at its maximum efficiency and quite possibly reveal a problem that you might need to address sooner than later.

Ventilation systems are often the biggest culprit in poor indoor air quality. Make it a priority to inspect the duc twork of your home or business

If your HVAC has been operating for some time without attention, it could be circulating one or more of the following:

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Odors
  • Dirt and debris
  • Other contaminants

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City / Outer Banks and our air duct cleaning services can help keep your air duct system clean and help extend the life of your equipment. This can in turn save you money and give you cleaner air to breathe.


Vacation Rental Safety

4/2/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

How do you know if a vacation rental property is safe for your family?  Popular home rentals websites indicate that they are not responsible for the condition of the property.  So it's up to you to keep your family safe.

Vacation Rental Dangers and three things you should do the moment you walk in the door.

1.  Go find the water heater.  Be sure to look in the basement or a closet.

2.  Install your compact carbon monoxide, battery operated detector right outside the room between the water heater and the furnace.

2. Locate the fire extinguisher, and be familiar with how to operate it and remember where it's located.

3.  Plan a fire escape and locate all of the exits and the smoke alarms.

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) more than 400 people die from accidental Carbon Monoxide poisoning. #SilentKiller  Tips to make sure your rental home is safe from fire and carbon monoxide.

Home rental vacationers are also vulnerable to fires.   Before you arrive, you should ask the homeowner where the fire extinguishers are located.  You and your family should know where all of the exits are located too.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks #AlwaysHereToHelp 

SERVPRO is #1 in the Restoration Services Industry

3/16/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is #1 in Restoration and #12 in the overall Franchise 500 for 2018

SERVPRO , a cleanup and restoration franchise company, continues to dominate its segment of Entreprenuer magazine's Franchise 500 listreceiving top ranking in the Restoration Services industry, for the 15th consecutive year.  

Sue Steen, SERVPRO Industries, Inc., CEO, said the company also achieved the number 12 spot overall in the prestigious rankings, standing out in a record-breaking group of more than 1,020 franchises qualified for the 2018 list.

SERVPRO was among 20 other highly recognizable companies such as McDonalds (#1 overall), Re/Max, 7-Eleven and Supercuts to name a few. 

Globe Newswire says The purpose of this list is to use objective and quantifiable  measures of a franchise operation to help those would-be entrepreneurs identify franchise investment opportunities, and the evaluation process is based on "The Five Pillars of the Franchise 500".

  • Costs and Fees
  • Size and Growth
  • Support
  • Brand Strength
  • "Our results show that the industry is strong—and that the strongest franchisors are those who've learned to balance between innovating to attract new customers and remaining reliable enough to keep the old ones happy."

In an online article by Globe Newswire, Sue Steen, SERVPRO Industries, Inc., CEO was quoted as saying, “SERVPRO’s financial strength and stability, growth rate, and system size all contribute to the company’s success, and by extension to the success of its franchisees. The commitment to excellence starts at the top and carries through to the service each franchisee provides to each and every customer.”

Water Intrusion After A Storm and Mold in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

3/2/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Containing the Mold

Water intrusion after a storm can create serious health problems for Elizabeth City and Outer Banks residents.  In as little as 48 hours, mold can quickly become a problem in your home or business. 

"People are anxious to get on with their lives after a flood," said one of FEMA's top officials for disaster recovery, "but if you had flood waters in your home, take the time to clean thoroughly so problems don't arise later that affect your health."

Should you detect a mold problem, stay out of the affected area. Don’t touch or disturb the mold by blowing air across the mold surfaces, see more about WHAT TO DO UNTIL HELP ARRIVES.

Every mold damage scenario is different and requires a unique solution, but the general mold remediation process stays the same. Read more about our “typical"  Mold Remediation Process at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has the training, protective gear, and specialized equipment necessary to handle your mold problem.  We are #FasterToAnyDisaster 

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

Have Mold Related Questions? Call Us Today – (252) 331-7889

Our Highly Trained Restoration Specialists Can Restore Your Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Home

2/26/2018 (Permalink)

We are an IICRC Certified Firm at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks is an IICRC firm. The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) creates the standards for the restoration industry and provides training and certification to restoration companies. IICRC Certified Firms have the right to display the IICRC Certified Logo.

IICRC Certified Firms must

• Present accurate information to consumers and conduct business with honesty and integrity.

• Require a technician on all jobs who has been formally trained and passed all required tests.

• Require a continuing education program to keep technicians up-to-date on the latest changes in the industry.

• Maintain liability insurance to protect all parties in the event of an accident.

• Maintain a written complaint policy and agree to Better Business Bureau or similar arbitration to resolve disputes, and accept the conclusions and recommendations of arbitration.

The IICRC Develops The Standards For The Restoration Industry

The IICRC has been the driving force in establishing the main industry standards and reference guides for professional carpet cleaning, water damage restoration and mold remediation. These IICRC standards take years to develop and require the coordination of experts in the field: manufacturers, industry organizations, insurance professionals, training schools, contractors, and public health professionals.

Every five years, the standards are reviewed and updated. The water damage restoration field changes rapidly with advancements in technology and science, and therefore the standards must evolve to keep pace.

About SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration and we are an IICRC Certified Firm. We believe in continuous training: from initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

For Immediate Service in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, Call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

2/26/2018 (Permalink)

Elizabeth City and Outer Banks Residents: We provide immediate service day or night, call 252-331-7889.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks provides 24-hour emergency service and is dedicated to being faster to any-sized disaster in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks. We can respond immediately to your emergency and have the expertise to handle your restoration or cleaning needs.

  • 24-Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any-Sized Disaster
  • Highly Trained Restoration Technicians
  • A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry
  • Locally Owned and Operated
  • Advanced Restoration and Cleaning Equipment 

Have Questions? Call Us 24/7 – 252-331-7889

Residential Services

Whether your Elizabeth City or Outer Banks home needs emergency flood damage or your upholstery cleaned, you can depend on us.  Our technicians have extensive cleaning and restoration training and can make your property look its best. Learn more about our residential services:

  • Water Damage Restoration
  • Fire Damage Restoration
  • Mold Remediation
  • Storm Damage Restoration
  • Cleaning Services
  • Building/Reconstruction Services

Commercial Services

There's never a convenient time for fire or Water damage to strike your Elizabeth City or Outer Banks commercial property. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when the need arises for professional cleaning or emergency restoration services we have the training and expertise to respond promptly with highly trained technicians to get your property back to business. Learn more about our commercial services:

  • Commercial Water Damage Restoration
  • Commercial Fire Damage Restoration

Flood Water in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

2/22/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

Floods are one of the most common and widespread natural disasters in the United States.  Your location no longer seems to be a factor-there is always potential for flood damage.

 Fema.gov reports that in the last 5 years, all 50 states have experienced floods or flash floods.  It’s not a matter of if, but when and FEMA reports that nearly 20% of all flood insurance claims come from moderate-to-low risk areas, and even just one inch of flood damage in an average home can cost you up to $27,000.

#TheAmericanRed Cross claims that floods cause more damage in the U.S. every year than any other weather-related disaster.  Here are some tips they advise to follow:

  • Stay away from floodwaters. If you come up on a flowing stream where water is above your ankles, Stop, Turn around, and go another way.
  • If you approach a flooded road while driving, the same holds true. If you are in your car and waters are rising rapidly, get out of the car quickly and move to higher ground. 
  • Keep children out of the water. Children may not recognize contaminated water and lack judgment. 

If your home or business is affected by a flood, SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks is your water damage restoration company.  Even minor floods have the potential to cause major damage to a structure if not treated properly and quickly. 

Cleanup can be overwhelming and that’s why the “SERVPRO® System is prepared to handle any size disaster.  When fire and water take control of your life, let your local SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks help you take it back. 

Do you have water damage in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks call us at 252-331-7889.

Weatherizing Around Windows and Doors

2/2/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

Weatherizing Around Windows and Doors

Are you feeling a draft even though your windows and doors are closed?  Chances are that you need to add or replace the seal on the windows or replace the weather stripping around the doors. 

Conducting a maintenance check or inspection of your home can help minimize the risks for potential damage caused from extreme cold temperatures or winter storm conditions.

You want to caulk around cracked window seals, replace any broken windows and add weather stripping or caulk to loose window panes.  The diy network offers tips on weatherproofing doors and windows.

Should water damage occur due to extreme weather or something else, give us a call, we’re your 24/7 Emergency Service, SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at 212-331-7889. #SERVPROOBX #LikeItNeverEvenHappened

Water Damage and Your Property

1/19/2018 (Permalink)

Broken, Hidden Water Pipes Can Wreak Havoc

After the plumber has fixed the leak, the flooding has subsided, or the fire department has left, getting your structure and your belongings properly dried and cleaned is crucial to a quick and successful restoration. 

Moisture can cause mildew, fungus, and mold to grow and can attract insects, termites and even rodents.  These factors can destroy the very foundation of a home and your belongings. 

At SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, we have the expertise and equipment to properly restore your property after water damage to your home or business.  Our experience and scientific approach to water removal and water cleanup enable us to properly dry and restore your property, and your assets.

Every water damage incident varies and requires its own unique solution; however, our restoration process stays the same.  Want to know what to expect?  See more about our SERVPRO  water damage restoration process and click on details of each process.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has been helping to make it #LikeItNeverEvenHappened for families and businesses in Elizabeth City and the Outer Banks since the 90’s.  Call us at 252-331-7889.

Winter Weather Preparedness in North Carolina

12/26/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks 252-331-7889

North Carolina Governor declared December 3-9 as Winter Weather Preparedness Week and encouraged that state residents plan, be prepared, and be ready for potentially dangerous winter weather in the upcoming months.

In spite of the forecasters' at The NOAA Climate Prediction Center expectation of a warmer and drier winter due to a mild La Nina, winter storms will occur.  

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks wants you to be Emergency Ready Prepared when disaster strikes.   We can help you put together your SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile.  Visit http://ready.SERVPRO.com with user name as ERP@ECityOBX.com, password is Ready.

For more information from the North Carolina Emergency Management Officials visit www.readync.org.

Winter Weather

12/18/2017 (Permalink)

 SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at 251-331-7889

Ice dams can be a major problem during the winter season.  Cold weather, snow and ice storms can cause severe damage to your home or your office. 

Ice dams form when the heated air melts the roof snow downward and the melted water runs into ice that is still frozen causing the water to dam up.  When this water is trapped, it can not flow or run into the gutter system and can backflow under the roof shingles and into the interior structure of your house or business.

Ice Dam damage:

  • Water can seep into your home or building’s walls, ceilings, insulation and other interior areas.
  • Ice dams can lift roof shingles causing water to leak inside your home.
  • Pressure and weight from the dams can pull off your gutters and lead to structural damage.

Our friends at Nationwide blog about Preventing Ice Dam Damage to Your Roof and Home.

If this disaster strikes, you need to take immediate action to prevent additional damage to your property. SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks franchise professionals have the winter storm experience and expertise, and the resources to remediate damage caused by winter weather.

Prepare Your Home

12/15/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks 252-331-7889.

Prepare Your Home

Tips for Preparing Your Home for Winter Weather

  • Keep your cabinet doors open during cold spells as this will allow warm air to circulate around the pipes.
  • Keep a slow trickle of water running through your faucets, especially those that run through unheated or uninsulated areas of your home.
  • Consider shutting off your outdoor faucets. Find the shut-off valve in the basement or crawl space and turn to “off.”
  • If you do shut off your outdoor faucet, then open the outdoor faucet to help ensure it drains completely and the inner valve is shut off.
  • Ensure that your gutters are clean and in good shape, secured. Leaves and such can clog and cause a damming effect which could lead to roof problems and water damage.
  • Proper maintenance of your furnace, HVAC system can help reduce the risk of puffbacks.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks has been serving the community since 1967.  We specialize in storm damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained, and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Winter Weather Alerts

12/11/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks 241-331-7889.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks wants to help you to be prepared for the upcoming winter weather.  The National Weather Service will issue advisories and warnings.  It is important that you understand these and know how to prepare for winter and  to be Winter Safe.

  • Blizzard Warning- Winds or gusts to 35 mph or more for at least 3 hours and lots of falling or blowing snow reducing your visibility to less than ¼ mile.
  • Winter Storm Warning- 6” or more of snow, or a combination of winter weather types with major impacts.
  • Ice Storm Warning- ¼” or more of ice accumulation.
  • Winter Weather Advisory- Less than 6” of snow, Less than ¼” of ice accumulation from freezing rain, Visibilities reduced in blowing snow with winds less than 35 mph, Combinations of these.
  • Wind Chill Warning- Wind chills of -25°F or colder with winds of 10 mph or higher.
  • Wind Chill Advisory- Wind chills of -15°F to -24° with winds of 10 mph or higher.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks has been serving the community since 1967.  We specialize in storm damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained, and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

The Behavior of Smoke

12/6/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks, 252-331-7889.

Following a fire, there are two different types of smoke, wet and dry.  As a result there are different types of soot residue after a fire.

  • Wet Smoke (Plastic and Rubber) Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary.  Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.
  • Dry Smoke (Paper and Wood) Fast burning, high temperatures; heat rises, therefore smoke rises.
  • Protein Fire Residue (Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire) Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor.
  • Fuel Oil Soot (Furnace Puff Backs) While "puff backs" can create havoc for homeowners, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals can, in most cases, restore the contents and structure quickly.
  • Other Types (Tear gas, fingerprint powder, and fire extinguisher residue) Special loss situations require special care.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks Franchise Professionals are thoroughly trained in fire cleanup and restoration and know the different types of smoke and their behavior patterns.

Safe Holidays are Happy Holidays

12/5/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

Safe holidays are happy holidays.  As you begin to decorate your home or office remember. . .  

  • Inspect your lights before you hang them
  • Replace old lights
  • Never connect more than 3 strings of lights at a time
  • be mindful of low-hanging or damaged wires to protect your pets and children

The Consumer Product Safety Commission offers up holiday decoration safety tips and general rules for Holiday Safety on products we use to decorate with like "Snow", Paper, Trimmings, Candles, Trees, and lights.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has been serving the community since 1967.  We are dedicated to helping customers when disaster strikes and helping to make it "Like it never even happened."  We are ready 24/7, 365 at (252)-331-7889.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (252) 331-7889.

Did You Know. . . Houseplants Filter Your Air

11/30/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

NASA’s 1989 Clean Air Study researched how to clean the air in space stations and one of their findings showed that certain plants were particularly effective at filtering toxins from the air.

What you may not be aware of however, are the common household items found in and around your home emit chemicals that could be harmful.  Chemicals such as Benzene found in some spray adhesives, furniture polishes, motor oil.  Formaldehyde found in resins used to make composite wood products, like insulation, plywood and other building materials.  Xylene & Toluene found in certain paints, fingernail polish and adhesives. Trichloroethylene found in some household cleaners, sealants and degreasers.

Good news is there are low maintenance, low-light houseplants that come to the rescue and help to filter those toxins from your air.  The Peace Lily, Spider Plant, English Ivy, Variegated Snake Plant, Red-Edged Dracaena, Chinese Evergreen, and the Areca Palm are great filtering houseplants, according to mindbodygreen.  Pots Planters & More will help you choose right for your space.

Thanksgiving Cooking Safety and the American Red Cross

11/15/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

Scott Salemme, Regional CEO of the American Red Cross of the Greater Chesapeake Region said “Cooking is the number one cause of home fires, so we also have information cooks can follow to avoid a fire.”

When we come together as family and as friends to prepare the Thanksgiving meal and share in the “how to” of family recipes, it is easy to get caught up in the festive moment and to forget the potential hazards.

While cooking, remember to avoid wearing your robe, loose fitting clothing or dangling sleeves.  Never leave the stove unattended, even for bathroom breaks, just turn it off.  Here the American Red Cross suggests more cooking safety steps  

At SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has been serving the community since 1967.  We are dedicated to helping customers when disaster strikes and helping to make it “Like it never even happened.”  We are ready 24/7, 365 at 252-331-7889.

Massive Recall on Popular Fire Extinguisher

11/6/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

Will Your Fire Extinguisher Work?

There was a massive recall  at the end of last year for a fire extinguisher that is reported to be in more than 40 million homes.  The extinguishers are being recalled because they may not function properly in emergency situations.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission claims that the recall covers 134 Kidde push button and plastic-handle fire extinguishers made from 1973 through August 15 of this year.

The extinguishers can become clogged and fail to spray when needed and the nozzle has come off with such force to pose an injury hazard that includes death.    Read more at Kidde Fire Extinguisher with Plastic Handle Recall

SERVPRO® Elizabeth City/Outer Banks will take care of any size fire damage cleanup.  

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (252) 331-7889

Thanksgiving Safety

11/3/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

November is a time of the year that inspires family get togethers, like Thanksgiving.  As you begin the holiday season, and are busy whipping up delicious dishes, it’s also important to take time to remember safety.  Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day and Christmas Eve.

Cooking fires are the leading cause of home fires and home-fire-related injuries in the U.S.  According to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency), cooking equipment and heating equipment are the leading causes of home fire deaths,  read more at Thanksgiving Safety  and watch the Danger of Turkey Fryers Video

If you have a cooking fire, consider just getting out and when you leave close the door behind you to help contain the fire.  Then call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number after you leave.  Consider for an over fire, to turn off the heat and keep the door closed and to keep a lid nearby when cooking to smother small grease fires. 

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks want you, your family, and your property to stay safe.  If you do experience a fire or water damage during the holidays, or any time of the year, we can make it “Like it never even happened.”

November is Military Family Month.  SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks would like to thank all service members and their families during Military Family Month and all year-round.

Smoke Alarm Awareness

10/12/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® Elizabeth City, Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

The National Fire Protection Agency  reports that 3 out of 5 home fire deaths that occur, the homes had non-working smoke alarms.  Homes with no smoke alarms at all resulted in more than 1/3 of home fire deaths.  

Fortunately, having a working smoke alarm cuts your risk of dying in a home fire by half.  Age matters so check the date on your smoke alarm.  Smoke alarms should be replaced every 10 years.  Every bedroom needs a working smoke alarm, outside each separate sleeping area, and on every level of the home including the basement.

Test your alarms at least once a month by pushing the test button.  

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks is your 24-Hour Emergency Service to help restore your home and belongings that suffer from fire, smoke, and extensive water damage from firefighting efforts. 252-331-7889

#AlwaysHereToHelp #FirePrevention

Fire Extinguisher Awareness

10/12/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

A portable fire extinguisher can save lives and property by putting out a small fire or containing it until the fire department arrives; but they do have their limits.  Never underestimate a fire and how quickly it will grow and spread, make getting out safely your #1 priority.  

A portable fire extinguisher should only be used when the fire is contained in a small area, such as a wastebasket, and is not growing; everyone has exited the building; the fire department has been called or is being called; and the room is not filled with smoke.

To operate a fire extinguisher, remember the word PASS:

  • Pull the pin.  Hold the extinguisher with the nozzle pointing away from you, and  release the locking mechanism.
  • Aim low.  Point the extinguisher at the base of the fire.
  • Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.
  • Sweep the nozzle from side-to-side.

NFPA Fire extinguisher safety tips 

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks is your 24-Hour Emergency Service for Fire Repair and Restoration, #FirePrevention #AlwaysHereToHelp

Fire Escape Planning

10/12/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks 252-331-7889

Plan Ahead!  If a fire should break out in your home, you only have a few minutes to get out safely before the smoke alarm sounds.  

Remember that items blocking doors and windows could keep you from escaping quickly and could mean the difference between life and death.

A key to your fire escape plan and keeping your family safe is practicing a home fire escape plan at least twice a year.  You should identify two escape routes out of each room, if possible, and then make sure that each of those escape routes can be used safely by everyone.

Remember to always choose the escape route that is the safest- the one with the least amount of smoke and heat.  Everyone in the family should practice getting low and going under the smoke to your designated exit.

The NFPA has a Basic Fire Escape Plan with ways to put your plan to test and other hot topics.  

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks is your 24-hour emergency Fire Damage Repair & Restoration Company #FirePrevention #AlwaysHereToHelp, 252-331-7889.

Pet Safety In An Emergency

9/25/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

Emergencies come in many forms:  fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, and violent storms.  In the event of a natural disaster or extreme weather, would you know what to do to protect your pet, to keep them safe?

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests five (5) steps you can take to keep your pets safe during and after an emergency.

  1. Have a plan- what you would do if you aren't home or can't get to your pet when disaster strikes
  2. Make a kit- stock up on food and water, tap water could become contaminated
  3. In Case of Emergency- have information with you that will help find your pet in case they get lost or run away
  4. Make sure vaccinations are up to date- in case your pet needs to stay at a shelter
  5. Have a safe haven- Pets get nervous too, make sure you have their favorite toys, a leash, and a bed or cage

The CDCP gives some Other things to think about and other resources with information to help keep your pets safe in an emergency.  Remember #SERVPROOBX we are #AlwaysHereToHelp, #NatlPrep 

Fall. . . A Time for New Beginnings

9/22/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

Fall. . . A Time for New Beginnings

A time for new beginnings

Fall is a beautiful time of the year.  While the leaves start to turn and the cool weather rolls in, it’s also a time for new beginnings and a fresh start.  Many of us are getting the kiddies ready for an exciting new school year.   For some, it’s about closing out the vacation season, finishing up with summer gardening, and the end of the lazy days of summer.

Stay on schedule 

During this change in season, it is so much fun to get excited about fresh, new possibilities.  Fall is a time to create new routines, nutritional goals, and organizational pursuits.  Oftentimes though, we can get so bogged down with the reality of a new school year and added responsibilities, we can forget all of the good intentions that we had in mind at the start of the season.

 Keep the routine flowing

Here are a few suggestions that will help keep you focused and on track this Fall while getting the kids in a great back to school routine.

  • As we send our little ones back into the germ pool at school, it is important to help them fight those germs. Make a list of healthy, nutritional, family favs meals and snacks that you can fall back to during week nights.  This list will be your “go to” list instead of ordering a quick, unhealthy, more convenient option.
  • Pick a day on the weekend to cook in bulk so that you can have quick nutritional meals in a hurry at the end of your busy weekday.
  • Hang a family activity calendar where everyone can see and know where they should be at a moments notice.

Commit to routines and create visible daily checklists that work for your family and help to make the day run smoothly.

  • Morning routine checklist- teeth, breakfast, homework packed, papers signed, after school plans are discussed and grab lunch.
  • After school checklist- backpacks in designated space, snack, chores, and homework completed at specified daily time and place.
  • Bedtime routine- Homework and papers are packed, teeth brushed, layout clothes for the following day, and to bed on time.

Consistency is key and routines can be helpful while transitioning into the new school year and the new season.

Happy Fall Y'all!

Air Ducts Cleaning in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

9/22/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City, (252) 331-7889.

Ventilation systems are often the biggest culprit in poor indoor air quality. Make it a priority to inspect the ductwork of your home or business.

If your HVAC has been operating for some time without attention, it could be circulating one or more of the following:

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Odors
  • Dirt and debris
  • Other contaminants

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City / Outer Banks Professionals routinely inspect the heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit (HVAC).  Keeping them clean can extend the life of the equipment. This can in turn save you money and give you cleaner air to breathe.

 However, duct cleaning is not always necessary. We will make recommendations about the best way to address any indoor air quality concerns. This can save you money and provide peace of mind on the health of your system.

The benefits of servicing your HVAC unit include:

  • Helps to restore peak energy efficiency.
  • May help to eliminate offensive odors.
  • Helps reduce the potential for mold growth.

For more information on HVAC and air duct cleaning, call us today #AirDuctCleaning

International Day of Peace

9/21/2017 (Permalink)


September 21 is International Day of Peace where so many around the world take part to observe and to share the message.

The International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") is observed around the world each year on 21 September.   The day was established in 1981 by the United Nations.   Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. This 2018 year's #peacedaycelebrates the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "The Right to Peace- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70." #standup4humanrights “Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.” John F. Kennedy

#DayofPeace #BeTheChange

Build this Kit. . . Be Informed. . .Get the Alerts

9/20/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

Build the Kit. . . Be informed. . . Get the Alerts.

Being prepared for an emergency means being equipped with the proper supplies.  Your kit supplies should be easy to carry and quick to grab.

September is #NationalPreparednessMonth and it is the right time to prepare.  @AmericanRed Cross suggests, at the very least,  to have the basic supplies listed below:

  • Water: one gallon per person, per day (3-day supply for evacuation, 2 week supply for home)
  • Food; non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items(3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home).
  • Flashlight
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio 
  • Extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Medications (7-day supply) and medical items
  • Multi-purpose tool
  • Sanitation and personal hygiene items
  • Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medial information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies)
  • Cell phone with chargers
  • Family and emergency contact information
  • Extra cash
  • Emergency blanket
  • Map(s) of the area

Anatomy of a first aid kit, a handy thing to have.

Sign Up for Public Safety Alerts

Should a disaster like water damage from a pipe break in your home or from a leaky toilet affect you, call SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, serving this area over 20 years and is here to help you 24/7, 365 days make it "Like it never even happened." at 252-331-7889

#SERVPROOBX #LikeItNeverEvenHappened #HereToHelp

How to Prepare. . . Create Your Emergency Plan

9/14/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, 252-331-7889

September is National Preparedness Month and all of us at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks want to help make sure that you are prepared in case of a natural or human caused disaster.

The American Red Cross says that close to 60% of Americans are wholly unprepared for a disaster of any kind and that only 1 in 10 American households has taken the appropriate preparedness steps:  a family emergency plan, an emergency supply kit and training in First Aid and CPR/AED.

Your emergency plan takes only 3 steps:

  1. Discuss how to prepare and respond to the types of emergencies, like fire, flood, hurricane, winter storm, tornado, that are most likely to happen where you live, learn, work and play.
  2. Identify responsibilities for each member of your household and how you will work together as a team.
  3. Practice as many elements of your plan as possible. . . role play.

#HereToHelp #SERVPROobx #NatPrep #NationalPreparednessMonth

Family Disaster Plan Template-English

Family Disaster Plan Template-Spanish

Power Outage Gadget Picks for Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

9/13/2017 (Permalink)

Power lines taken out by a tree.

More than 60% of power outages are a result of stormy weather and your best defense against the dark is to have on hand power outage gadgets at home or the office.

Our friends and experts #ThisOldHouse have compiled a list of handy power outage essentials that will help you and your family or employees get through the night without leaving you feeling so . . . powerless.  

Essentials such as an All-Weather Radio that bests your smartphone using three different power sources, a Cell Phone Charger that juices up with a manual crank or hold a charge for a full year, a Waterproof lantern made to brave the worst of camping conditions,  a tripod flashlight with gripping legs and magnetic feet. and last but not least, a plug-in lamp that turns on automatically when the power goes out, so you can see where you are walking.  

Emergency Preparedness from SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

9/13/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/ Outer Banks is a 24/7 Emergency Service provider no matter the time or the day, we will respond when disaster strikes.  

We want to help you make a quick recovery which is made possible with a quick response after disaster strikes.  SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has prepared an Emergency Ready Profile sample for you to view and to consider implementing in your own business. 

Did you know that we will come to you and help you get your business profile set up so that when disaster does strike, the information in your Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Emergency Ready Profile will help to get your business up and running.   Use the Email address SPECityOBX.com, and use Password Ready.

At SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, We are Here To Help® get your business doors open again and minimize your loss of revenue caused by the loss of operations.  Call us at 252-331-7889 to schedule your complimentary profile. #NatPrep #LikeItNeverEvenHappened #HereToHelp #NationalPreparednessMonth

September is National Preparedness Month in Elizabeth City

9/1/2017 (Permalink)

National Preparedness Month in Elizabeth City, Outer Banks

As a member of the National Preparedness Month Coalition to helping the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in their efforts to promote the importance of preparedness planning, SERVPRO of Elizabeth City will share with you throughout this month,  emergency preparedness information.

The recent natural disaster tragedy in Texas makes us realize just how vulnerable we all are at any time, any place to mother nature.

At SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, we believe that information is power, and helping to provide you with as much as possible, will help to keep you and your family safe when disaster strikes.

September is national preparedness month and we will share with you topics such as on how to make a plan for yourself, your family and friends, a plan to help your neighbor and community, how to practice and build out your plans, and how to get involved, to be part of something larger, ready business, ready campus, and faith based preparedness.

Thoughts and Prayers for Hurricane Harvey Victims

8/29/2017 (Permalink)

Helping those that can't help themselves

Our thoughts and prayers for hurricane Harvey victims was heart felt at SERVPRO  Elizabeth City/Outer Banks.

To see the abundance of "call to arms" service from strangers,emergency services, neighbors and even those also in harms way strengthens one's faith.

We at SERVPRO Elizabeth City/Outer Banks understands this service attitude and work hard to help change lives during a disaster.

Major storms and flooding events can overwhelm many restoration companies. On the other hand, SERVPRO Elizabeth City/Outer Banks can access resources from 1,700 Franchises across the state and country and even utilize Disaster Recovery Teams for major storms and disasters.

Thank you to all who have and will continue to help those in need.

Should a storm or major event strike, call (252) 331-7889

Watch live the solar eclipse with NASA!

8/21/2017 (Permalink)

Solar Eclipse in Elizabeth City!

"You'll go blind!"  No, it's not Ralphie's mother saying so, but the experts.

On August 21, 2017, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun. Viewers around the world will be provided a wealth of images captured before, during, and after the eclipse by 11 spacecraft, at least three NASA aircraft, more than 50 high-altitude balloons, and the astronauts aboard the International Space Station – each offering a unique vantage point for the celestial event.  Watch the solar eclipse live at Solar Eclipse 2017_NASA

Water Damaged Contents in Elizabeth City, Outer Banks

8/15/2017 (Permalink)

Ceiling leak caused contents water damage in Elizabeth City, Outer BAnks

Water Damages your stuff too.  At SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks,  we have seen our share of damage from a leaking pipe between the wall,  a leaking upstairs toilet, a relief valve in the dishwasher that failed in the middle of the night, and of course damage from mother nature.

Most often our first thought is about the floors or the ceiling, or the walls that are going to be ruined and your contents, your treasures, your projects, your books can be overlooked.  

We are your Emergency call to action experts when disaster strikes your home or business 24/7.  

For over 20 years, SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks helps to make it#LikeItNeverEvenHappened #HeretoHelp #SERVPROOBX

Get Your Hurricane Preparedness Kits Ready

8/11/2017 (Permalink)

Be Hurricane Ready in Elizabeth City, Outer Banks

Get your hurricane preparedness kits ready Elizabeth City, Outer Banks.   According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, our region could see more than 20 tropical storms and hurricanes this season.

Gerry Bell, Ph.D., lead seasonal hurricane forecaster at NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, says that "We're now entering the peak of the season when the bulk of the storms usually form."  Typically, our Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1-November 30.

According to the release, there is a 60% chance that we will see an above-normal season with 14 to 19 tropical storms and five to nine hurricanes. Between two and five of those hurricanes are predicted to be major.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks wants to help prepare you with our Emergency Ready Plan  that will put your information and contacts at your fingertips, your phone.  Get started by UserName is ERP@ECityOBX.com, Password is Ready to view a sample Emergency profile.

Disaster Plan Checklist

Rodent Infestation Cleanup in Elizabeth City,Outer Banks

7/24/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City cleans up after a rat infestation 252-331-7889

In most cases, you may never see a mouse or a rat, unless your infestation is severe.  Such is the case with a local business with a serious rodent infestation of rats living above the ceiling and in the walls.  Ceiling tiles had to be removed and replaced, the carpets had to be cleaned and treated to safely remove urine and feces.  

Evidence that you may have a problem is the obvious droppings around drawers, cabinets, or under the sink.  Nesting will produce piles of shredded material, so look for signs of chewing on walls, floors, or food packages.

If you see any of these infestation signs, please take action and precaution.  First,  you need to have the rodents trapped and removed and seal up all point of entry, holes.   This article offers advise on How to get rid of mice.   Once this has been successfully done, then the cleanup process can begin.

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks technicians are trained and qualified to safely clean and disinfect your home or office to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Your Outer Banks home is your largest investment, what happens when disaster hits?

7/20/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks 252-331-7889

Your home is more than likely the biggest investment that you will ever make and one that holds a lifetime of memories.

What happens if you wake up to see 2 inches of water in your kitchen?  What would you do?  Do you know who you would call?

We are SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks and we have been serving homeowners and businesses like you since 1967.  

As a leader in the field of water damage repair and restoration, our crews are trained to help you when disaster strikes, to help walk you through the drying process and help to make it #LikeItNeverEvenHappened.

If disaster strikes your home, be sure to remember to call SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at 252-331-7889


Elizabeth City & Outer Banks Residents: Follow These Mold Safety Tips If You Suspect Mold

6/27/2017 (Permalink)

Be careful! Without proper training, you could be spreading mold throughout your home.

It is very important to follow our safety tips if you suspect mold to be in your home or business.

If you see visible mold, do not disturb it. You can inadvertently spread the mold infestation throughout your home or office.

When mold is disturbed, the mold can release microscopic mold spores which become airborne and can circulate inside your home or office.

What to Do:

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks for mold remediation services.

What Not to Do:

  • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don’t attempt to dry the area yourself.
  • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

About Our Mold Remediation Services

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks specializes in mold cleanup and restoration, in fact, it’s a cornerstone of our business.

Our crews are highly trained restoration professionals that use specialized equipment and techniques to properly remediate your mold problem quickly and safely.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – [252-331-7889]

When Storms or Floods Hit Elizabeth City, Outer Banks, SERVPRO is ready!

6/27/2017 (Permalink)

Our highly trained crews are ready to respond 24/7 to storm or flood damage in Elizabeth City and the Outer Banks.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks specializes in storm and flood damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit Elizabeth City and the Outer Banks,  we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today [252-331-7889]

Thunderstorm Safety in Elizabeth City, Outer Banks, NC

6/19/2017 (Permalink)

Are you ready North Carolina?

It is important to be prepared for thunderstorms and severe weather. 

A thunderstorm is considered severe if it has wind gusts of at least 58 miles per hour or produces hail at least 1" in diameter.

Do you know the difference between a Thunderstorm watch and a warning?  WATCH out, severe thunderstorms are possible in and near the watch North Carolina area.  Be WARNED, severe weather has been reported by spotters or indicated by radar.  The American Red Cross tells us how to prepare for thunderstorms and suggests getting trained in first aid and to put together an emergency preparedness kit.

When damage strikes, you can be ruined or You Can Be Ready. Visit Emergency Ready Plan, Username: ERP@SPECityOBX.comPassword:Ready.  

At SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks, we are "Always Ready to Help".

Faster to your Elizabeth City, Outer Banks Water Damage Emergency

6/14/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks provides 24 hour fire and water dmage restoration services in Elizabeth City and the Outer Banks

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 –252-331-7889

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO® of Hampton

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City, Outer Banks specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Meet Our Crew


  • ASCS - Air Systems Cleaning Specialist
  • SRT - Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration Technician
  • ASD - Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • RRT - Carpet Repair & Reinstallation Technician
  • UFT - Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technician
  • OSHA - 10-hour General and/or Construction Industry Training Program
  • CCT - Carpet Cleaning Technician
  • VSMR - Ventilation System Mold Remediators
  • OSHA - 30-hour General and/or Construction Industry Training Program
  • ECTP - Employee Certification Training Program
  • AMRT - Applied Microbial Remediation Technician
  • WRT - Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • LCT - Leather Cleaning Technician
  • OSHA - Other Training
  • OCT - Odor Control Technician
  • CMR - Council-certified Microbial Remediator
  • RRRP - Lead-Based Paint Activities and Renovation
  • IICRC Certified Firm

Dryer Vent Safety Tips

5/22/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Gets Your Vents Cleaned

Dryer Vent Safety Tips

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety commission (CPSC) estimates that 15,500 fires associated with clothes dryers occur annually.  These fires account for an average of 10 deaths, 310 injuries, & more than $84 million in property damage annually.

Here are a few tips on how to help extend the life of your dryer and prevent a potential fire.

  • Don't Risk Mold Damage

A full load of wet clothes placed in a dryer contains about one-half gallon water.  Obviously this would be a spin cycle issue for your washing machine, but trying to dry the wet clothes could lead to an excessive amount of water left inside of the dryer.  

  • Prevent a Fire

If your clothes dryer takes longer than one cycle to dry clothing, the problem could be that the inside of your dryer and the vent system need cleaning.

  • Save Money

The clothes dryer is one of the most expensive appliances to operate.  A dirty dryer vent line can drastically increase the dryer run-time, resulting in higher energy costs.

  • Clean the Vents

By cleaning the dryer vent system, you help to reduce the risk of mold and fire hazard.  

Fact or Fiction-Common Causes of House Fires

5/10/2017 (Permalink)

Fact or Fiction-Common Cause of House Fires

In an episode of SaveOnEnergy.com's Fact or Fiction,  they explore common causes of house fires in the United States. 

SaveOnEnergy.com took a  poll that reveals most people believe the primary reason for house fires begins with cooking mishaps.

Several of their respondents chose electrical failures or candles as primary reasons for house fires.

What do you think comes in first place? Visit Fact or Fiction-Common Causes of House Fires

How Can SERVPRO Restore Soft Contents?

4/14/2017 (Permalink)

Technology to help restore your treasures and valuables


We recently took on a new department, and it is TEXTILE CLEANING & RESTORATION.
What does this mean for you? No more subcontracting out textiles, we are now your one stop shop! We are now the home to the Esporta Wash System.  We provide full service Textile Cleaning & Restoration.
Esporta’s proprietary technology is the most effective washing system available today. Types of damages we can restore are contaminated water & sewage, heavy smoke & soot, mold, and bio waste contaminated goods. We restore what used to be considered “non restorable.” With the Esporta System we can restore, leather goods of all kinds, household items of all kinds, sports equipment, and specialty items like pillows, stuffed animals, purses, shoes and so much more. To give you an idea of just how amazing this system is, laboratory testing has verified that the Esporta Wash System can restore to Food Grade Clean by removing 99% of contaminants. By utilizing the Esporta Wash System we provide you with a simpler and faster claim settlement process in addition to restoring soft goods. Our cleaning technicians are Esporta trained and certified.

 Textile Cleaning & Restoration. . . See How We Do It

What Should Be Cleaned & Restored vs. Replaced

4/7/2017 (Permalink)

To Clean and Restore vs. Replace (Photo: Shutterstock)

Our friendly insurance adjusters at National Underwriter Property & Casualty say when determining whether soft-surface-content items such as fabrics and carpets should be remediated or discarded,  it can be difficult to determine.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/OBX works directly with your insurance adjuster,  as the restoration contractor.  We are able to classify the indoor space that has been affected by a water loss into zones based on the amount of water damage.  These zones are determined based for example areas of the structure that were not affected by the water loss or those directly affected by the water loss.  

After the classification, cost effective remediation methods are tailored to the expected condition of the items in each conditional area.

This process helps to determine the amount of aggressive cleaning needed, thus helping to keep the costs at a minimum.  Read More: Determining the fate of soft-surface items

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/OBX offers Lunch & Learns to Insurance Adjusters to show them how we are able to restore soft content items (Textile Restoration) with our Esporta® Wash System.  This technology not only saves the insurance company money, but it also helps to prevent filling up landfills with chemicals & man-made fibers.  How it's Done


Soft Contents Restored

3/15/2017 (Permalink)

Results due in part to a smart adjuster

In Florida, a hurricane wreaks water damage havoc to America's first wax museum and it's fragile fabrics, embroidered costumes, suits and dresses.  To throw away such valuable content would be a tragedy. 

A 225,000 sq.ft. sporting goods store has a small display fire where smoke and ash have left a fine coating all over the entire store. The sporting goods store receives over 1 million visitors a year could not afford to be shut down for 3-4 months.

Content restoration professionals are capable of restoring to preloss conditions and help to provide a simpler and faster claim settlement process.  

Insurance agents and adjusters consider the textile contents pros among their most valued assets. Adjusters would much rather improve the bottom line for their company by restoring not replacing.  

The contents pros don't cost-they save. . . $40 million for insurance companies.

Soft Contents Restored

Tips To Prevent Water Damage

3/7/2017 (Permalink)

Avoid Future Costly Repairs

Your peace of mind and your being prepared when the next heavy storm hits your area is very important to us here at SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/OBX.  

Water damage the #1 villain weakens your home's foundation. Wet wood can invite termites, carpenter ants, not to mention toxic mold and mildew.

Our friends at Houselogic.com have three easy strategies to help prepare you and your family from a water damage disaster.  They provide prevention tips, and answer the question why it matters and how to do it. Maintenance costs have also been factored in to the prevention tip.

Tips. . . Cheaper Than Paying For Repairs


3/1/2017 (Permalink)

And It Says Tornado Warning!




The Virginia Department of Emergency Management claims that “Nationally, the U.S. averages more than 800 tornadoes per year. Tornadoes can strike anywhere in the U.S., during any month and any time of day. Virginia has seen as few as one tornado in a year (1982) to as many as 84 tornadoes (2004), Virginia Tornado History   It can happen here. It could happen to you. Be prepared by knowing what to do when a tornado threatens”.


  • Know the lingo, the terms:
  • Tornado Watch: A tornado is possible in your area.  You should monitor weather-alert apps on your mobile devices, radios, local radio, and TV stations for information.
  • Tornado Warning: A tornado has been sighted in the area or has been indicated by National Weather Service Doppler radar.  When a warning is issued, take cover immediately.
  • You need to have a plan now of where you will go when that tornado warning is issued. This place should be kept uncluttered.
  • Storm cellars, basements offer the best protection.
  • Go to a windowless interior room, closet or hallway on the lowest floor possible.
  • If in a high rise building, you should pick a place in a hallway in the center of the building.
  • A trailer, mobile home, or vehicle does not provide good protection. Go to a sturdy building, or lie down in a ditch away from your home, and cover your head with your hands.  Mobile homes are extremely unsafe and vulnerable during tornadoes.
  • Keep an emergency supply kit in your safe location.
  • Practice a tornado drill at least once a year.


  • Go to a shopping mall, a gym or a civic center. Try to get into a restroom or an interior hallway.  If there is no time, get up against something that will deflect falling debris.  Protect your head by covering it with your arms.
  • Get out of your car or truck and try to find shelter inside a sturdy building. A ditch or culvert can provide shelter when there is no building nearby.  Lie down flat and cover your head with your hands.  You are safer in a low, flat location.  Bridges or overpasses are a no no.

The National Weather Service says that “there is no such thing as guaranteed safety inside a tornado.  Freak accidents happen; and the most violent tornadoes can level and blow away almost any house and its occupants.  Extremely violent EF5 tornadoes are very rare.  Most tornadoes are actually much weaker and can be survived.  See more Tornado Safety ideas from the NOAA.

Weather Alert Terminology

2/22/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® Ready Plan. . . Download Yours Today

Do you know the difference between a storm warning, a storm watch, and a storm advisory?  Do you know the difference between a tropical depression and a tropical storm?   No worries because it can all be so confusing however, your SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/OBX wants you to be READY.  

Learn more about weather teminology and our ERP (Emergency Ready Plan) Free Mobile App, not only will you know how to prepare,  you will have relief, contact numbers and names at your fingertips should a disaster occur.  Go to your APP store on your phone and search for SERVPRO® Ready Plan to download your free app today.

Your local SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/OBX representative is ready to assist you with getting you set up with your mobile app, just give us a call.

Weather Alert Terminology


The Go-To Guide For Personal Property Restoration

2/7/2017 (Permalink)

The Hidden Costs of Kitchen Fires


An Insurance Adjusters Go-To Guide

In this volume of our Contents Solutions, The Go-To Guide for Personal Property Restoration, we will uncover the Hidden Costs of "Kitchen Fires", "The Remote Adjuster's New Friend", "Alternatives for Melting Ice", and a Tip on how to get a close-up shot of a shiny object without getting the reflection too.

Our Contents Solutions edition will provide you with more Insider Secrets from the contents pros.

The Go-To Guide

Holiday Fun With Our SERVPRO® Team

1/16/2017 (Permalink)

Santa and his Elf, Missy Burns

It's hard to believe that we are on the cusp of 2017 and preparing to leave 2016 behind.

Our SERVPRO® work family has been in the holiday spirit mode for the past couple of weeks.  While it is still work as usual, annually we like to bring our crew, managers, marketers, and office staff together to enjoy a warm, comforting breakfast every Christmas.

Last week, our Christmas breakfast thanks to Missy Burns, our Marketing Manager, included a few special guests.

SERVPRO® Elves that helped to prepare for those guests were (Josh Alewine), electronics restoration,  Donna Hamilton, Production Manager, Meg Vidal, Crew and and Santa's helper,  Kim Calantropo, yours truly. The big guy, and good sport, being Santa Claus, Jeff Caudil, new to our marketing team.  

Our SERVPRO® family even participated in a Mannequin Challenge. SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City Mannequin Challenge

Thank you all for a great 2016 and here's to a healthy, safe and prosperous 2017!

"How To" Tips to Winterize Your Home

1/16/2017 (Permalink)

Winter is here with a bang!

Here are a few tips tips for preparing you and your insured's home for winter weather. 
  1.  Keep cabinet doors open during cold spells, this  allows warm air to circulate around pipes
  2.  Keep a slow trickle of water flowing through faucets  especially if the pipes for faucets run  through unheated or uninsulated areas of your home
  3.  Consider shutting off outdoor faucets. Shut these  valves off and then open faucets so that they can  drain
  4.  Ensure gutters are clean & secure from leaves and  debris. This can cause damming, effecting gutters  which could lead to roof problems & water damage
  5.  Proper maintenance of your furnace can help reduce  the risk of puff-backs (a puff-back is a messy furnace  malfunction that occurs when an oil burner backfires  sending soot  throughout your home )
Good luck to everyone & be careful if you have to travel.

Energy Efficient Apps For Your Smartphone

1/12/2017 (Permalink)

It's Easier To Be Green!

Let's face it, our phones, tablets, computers and even our TV's have become our assistants, aka APPS.

There’s a slew of cool applications that can help track and manage home energy use, and even connect to a smart thermostat, so you can start conserving energy right away!

Need more ways to save Energy?

Looking for other ways to avoid a large energy bill this summer?

Check out a guide to reducing summer electric bills and read more at. . . The 7 Best Energy Efficiency Apps for Your Smartphone and a Greener Lifestyle

Ladder Safety Tips

10/31/2016 (Permalink)

Every year, according to one estimate, some 164,000 people land in the ER because they scrambled up a ladder without heeding the accident-avoidance rules. Keep yourself safe with these ladder safety tips.

Avoid the shakes.
Station your ladder on dry, level ground. If you are working at the roofline, extend it several feet above the point of contact. Secure the locks.

Angle carefully.
Measure one fourth of the ladder’s length. That’s how far the ladder’s base should be from the wall.

Wear good shoes.
They should have nonslip soles that are fairly rigid.

Stop short.
No matter how tempting, don’t step on the top three rungs.

Don’t overreach.
Keep your hips centered between the side rails. Leaning sideways is very dangerous.

Fix Up Your Firebox

10/24/2016 (Permalink)

Unsightly cracked and crumbling mortar inside a fireplace can be fixed in minutes with a few simple tools.

The mortar in most brick joints consists of sand, lime, and Portland cement. But in a fireplace, that mix just crumbles away when subjected to roaring wood fires. For this application, masons rely on a refractory mortar made of magnesium silicate, which can withstand beat up to 2,000 degrees F. Yet even refractory mortar can fail as the brickwork expands and contracts with repeated fires. Fortunately, fixing those damaged joints is a snap, thanks to high-temp fireplace mortars packaged in caulk tubes.

Tools Needed:

  • Nitrile gloves
  • 5-gallon bucket
  • Sponge with abrasive pad
  • Grout-removal tool with triangular carbide blade
  • Stiff-bristle brush
  • Wet/dry vac
  • Nylon-bristle brush
  • Refractory mortar
  • Caulk gun
  • Tuck-point trowel


  1. Wash the brick: Put on nitrile gloves, then thoroughly scrub soot off the sides of the firebox with an abrasive pad on a wet sponge. Soot dissolves fairly easily when wet. The washing also dampens the brick and mortar, a necessary step before repointing.
  2. Dig out the loose mortar: Using a grout-removal tool fitted with a triangular carbide blade, scrape out cracked, loose, and crumbling mortar. Stop when the sides of the blade touch the edges of the brick. The blade’s triangular shape prevents it from going too deep (more than half the width of the joint). Clean the joints with a narrow, stiff-bristle brush and sweep up the mortar crumbs with a wet/dry vac.
  3. Wet the joints: Go over all the scraped joints with a nylon paintbrush, dipping repeatedly into a bucket of clean water. Refractory mortar bonds best to a damp surface, and the brush bristles ensure that all of the old brick and mortar are moistened.
  4. Caulk the joints: After slipping a tube of refractory mortar into a caulk gun, drag the tube’s nozzle over all the scraped mortar joints, leaving behind a fat bead of caulk. Make sure to fill any gaps between the hearth and the firebox floor.
  5. Pack the mortar: Use a 3/8-inch-wide tuck-pointing trowel to smooth and press the soft mortar firmly into each of the joints, then scrape off the excess with the trowel’s edge. In corners, use a gloved finger to pack and smooth.
  6. Wipe away the residue: Multiple swipes with a damp sponge with remove most of the mortar residue. Wipe the brick again in 24 hours, after the remaining residue dries to a haze. This mortar’s heat-resistant qualities kick in when it reaches 500 degrees. Either a heat gun or a small, brief fire will serve the purpose.

Keeping your firebox in tip-top shape is just one step in keeping your fireplace in good working order, and preventing home fires.

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

10/19/2016 (Permalink)

Cyber Security Awareness Month takes place each October and focuses on ensuring that every American has the resources needed to stay safer and more secure online. It was created as a collaborative effort between government and industry reaching consumers, businesses, corporations, educational institutions and young people throughout the nation. This year marks the 13th anniversary of National Cyber Security Awareness Month.

This year's topics on the StaySafeOnline.org website for National Cyber Security Awareness Month vary from week to week and will include:

Week 1: Oct. 3-7
STOP. THINK. CONNECT.: The Basic Steps to Online Safety and Security

Week 2: Oct. 10-14
From the Break Room to the Boardroom: Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity in the Workplace

Week 3: Oct. 17-21
Recognizing and Combating Cybercrime

Week 4: Oct. 24-28
Our Continuously Connected Lives: What’s Your “Apptitude”?

Week 5: Oct. 31
Building Resilience in Critical Systems

There are several informative web sites where you can learn more about cyber security, the risks associated with connecting and preventative measures to take to make on-line activities safer at work and at home.

Visit These to Learn More:

  • StaySafeOnline.org
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • National Initiative For Cybersecurity Careers and Studies


Help Keep Your Gutters Clean in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

10/5/2016 (Permalink)

Help prevent your gutters from getting clogged.

Take action to keep downspouts running freely before those shade trees start shedding in earnest. One of these guards won’t totally free you of ladder duty, but it could buy you time between checkups.

Mesh-screen Caps

How They Work: A vinyl, plastic, or metal grid sits atop the gutter, letting water in while keeping leaves out.
Your Job: Brushing aside any accumulated debris from time to time to prevent runoff from cascading over the face of the gutter.
The Cost: Seamless, pro-installed systems start near $5 per linear foot, while snap-on DIY options, which are more visible, start at about 33 cents per foot.

Foam Inserts

How They Work: A porous foam that fits half-round or K-style gutters blocks leaves while letting water through. These DIY guards often come in 4-foot sections that are easily trimmed to turn corners or fit around hangers. Because they nest inside the gutter, they’re hidden from view.
Your Job: Regular debris removal.
The Cost: From $1.75 to $3.50 per linear foot.

Surface-Tension Hoods

How They Work: As with mesh, a hood sits on top; water follows its rounded edge and flows into the gutter, though heavy rains can overwhelm it. Some hoods have clips that make it easy to remove them to check gutters.
Your Job: Occasional clearing of small debris.
The Cost: From $15 per linear foot when a pro installs them, and from $2.50 it it’s DIY.

*From This Old House

The Nose Knows

9/26/2016 (Permalink)

Here’s an interesting story of a contents manager who was faced with an interesting challenge!

There had been a chimney fire. The homeowner climbed up on his roof and extinguished the blaze by spraying a fire extinguisher down the chimney from above. It worked, but there was a large amount of smoke. When the homeowner opened his front door to go back in, the resulting draft sucked the smoke and soot back down the chimney and through the house.

The smoke billowed through a trophy room of mounted animal heads, coating everything in its path and saturating various items with strong smoke odors. The moose, elk, and deer trophies were fragile, so the contents manager decided not to use soot sponges as it may remove the hair from the taxidermy. Instead she used strong HEPA-filtered vacuums and a mild cleaning solution for the eyes and antlers.

In the kitchen, soot sponges were used first to determine whether there were smoke particles on the inside of the cabinets (if a sponge is passed gently over a smoke-laden cabinet or counter, it will come back with black smears or dark lines). Discovering no soot or ash on the surface of the cabinets nor on the inside, she opted not to clean out the insides of the cabinets and shelves, then went back for a final check of everything else.

What is the final check? The same one the homeowner would eventually use – the sniff test! The contents professional came within an inch of the taxidermy and sniffed along the fur- no smoke odor could be detected. The nose knows!

The manager mentioned that had there been any smoke or soot in the cupboards, she would have thrown out all the opened boxes of food and even those sealed boxes with thin cardboard containers or even thinner plastic bags where there would be too much risk of contamination. Of course nothing is discarded without talking things over with the owner and getting a “disposal authorization” form signed.

That is how we here at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks perform: easy, simple, and well thought out.

DIY Spray Paint Tips

9/19/2016 (Permalink)

Do you have DIY projects planned for when the weather is cooler? Here are some helpful tips for any of your spray painting projects:

Set Up a Workspace- For larger pieces, build a stage to keep the piece at a working height. Think sawhorses; for small items, a lazy susan will do.

Watch the Weather- Make sure the outside temperature is above 40 degrees. When it is colder than that, the pressure in the paint can drops.  Also, do not try to paint when it’s about to rain.

Pay Attention to Prep- Spray paint’s glossy finish highlights imperfections, so before painting, sand, clean, rinse, and dry the surface thoroughly. For vibrant light colors, like yellow, use a spray-on primer.

Go Slow- Spray in long, even passes, and overlap your last pass for good coverage. To avoid drips, instead of pointing the nozzle at the surface, position it about 8 inches away and sweep it across. Spray the entire object, let it dry, and apply a complete second coat. Don’t do one half, then the other half later, as this will result in an uneven look.

Look for more helpful DIY tips from SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks on social media!

It Doesn’t Cost a lot to be Prepared Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

9/7/2016 (Permalink)

It is no secret that many families and individuals are looking to cut back on spending. But with the frequency of disasters, both natural and man-made, can you afford not to be prepared? Preparedness doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. September is National Preparedness Month, and we are asking you to help your family and friends prepare for whatever may come. Here are a few tips* on how you can protect those that matter to you without spending a fortune.

  • Make a Plan. Work with your family and neighbors to make an emergency plan for the types of disasters that affect your area. Make sure everyone in your family understands where to go and what to do in case of an emergency. You can download Family Emergency Plan templates at www.ready.gov/make-a-plan.
  • Update Contact Information. Having accurate records for family, friends and neighbors will help you stay in contact and possibly help those in need. Make sure updated contact information is posted in visible places throughout your house and workplace.
  • Check Your Policy. Review your insurance policy annually and make any necessary changes – renters, too! When a disaster strikes, you want to know that your coverage will get you back on your feet.
  • Make a Ready List. You may not need all of the items in ready-made preparedness kits. Choose the essentials that fit your needs and budget. Don’t forget to keep supplies at work and in your car. Sample Ready Lists can be found at www.ready.gov/document/familysupply-list.
  • Plan Your Purchases. You can save money by thinking ahead. Don’t buy preparedness items just before a storm when they’re expensive and supplies will be in high demand. Buy items at the end of the season when you can get good deals.
  • Shop Sales. Shop at sales and used goods stores. Buy preparedness items throughout the year, instead of all at once, and you won’t notice the cost as much.
  • Make Sure it Keeps. Store water in safe containers. You don’t need to buy expensive bottled water, just make sure your water containers are disinfected and airtight.
  • Request a Gift. We all get things we don’t need. Suggest preparedness supplies as gifts from your friends and family. It just might save your life.
  • Trade a Night Out. Trade one night out to fund your 72-hour kit. Taking a family of four to the movies can cost upwards of $80. Just one night staying in could fund your Ready kit.
  • *The best tip: start now. Take small steps toward preparedness and before you know it, you will be Ready!

And remember, SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks is here to make it "Like it never even happened"!

When Storms or Floods hit Elizabeth City/Outer Banks SERVPRO is ready!

8/31/2016 (Permalink)

Our highly trained crews are ready to respond 24/7 to storm or flood damage in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks.

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks specializes in storm and flood damage restoration. Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557.

Restoring Your Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Commercial Property After A Water Damage Event

8/22/2016 (Permalink)

Commercial Water Damage Events Present Unique Challenges

Flooding and water damage events at Elizabeth City and Outer Banks commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Does Your Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Home Have A Mold Problem?

8/15/2016 (Permalink)

In Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, mold can spread through a home in as little as 48 hours.

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  •  Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – (252) 331-7889/ (252) 480-8557.

The Levels of Commercial Damage

8/8/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks handles not only residential damage and restoration, but commercial as well.

There are three levels of commercial damage that are considered:

Level 1

Level 1 is a small commercial loss typically involving 15,000 square feet or less of affected floor space. If the facility was entirely affected, examples of a small commercial loss may include, but are not limited to, a stand-alone retail establishment, a small church, a daycare facility, a small shopping center, a small warehouse or manufacturing facility, or a stand-alone administrative building. A Level 1 loss can also be a small portion of a much larger structure.

Level 2

Level 2 is a midsize commercial loss typically involving 15,000 to 60,000 square feet of affected floor space. The building or buildings involved are usually multi-level or greatly divided spaces. If the facility was entirely affected, examples of a Level 2 loss may include, but are not limited to, a small multi-family property, a midsize church or school, a small shopping center, a multi-tenant administration facility, or a midsize warehouse or manufacturing facility. A Level 2 loss can also be just a portion of a much larger structure.

Level 3

Level 3 is a large commercial loss typically involving more than 60,000 square feet of affected floor space. The building or buildings involved will likely be large multi-level structures. If the facility was entirely affected, examples of a Level 3 loss can include, but are not limited to, a large church, hospital, school, or university; a large multi-family property; a mid- to high-rise retail or administration facility; a large industrial, manufacturing, or warehouse facility; or a large strip-style shopping center or shopping mall. This is the level at which it would be appropriate to refer to the project as a “large loss.”

Once our team determines the level of loss, the property is further assessed, and a team of appropriate size is dispatched to get the job done quickly and efficiently, and return your business to operation “Like it never even happened.”®

The Differences Between Storms

7/27/2016 (Permalink)

Know your storm terminology and stay safe this season!

With hurricane season in full swing, there are a few terms that are becoming frequent on our morning weather forecasts: Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm, and Hurricane. What is the difference, and how should we react to each?

Tropical Depression

A tropical depression forms when a low pressure area is accompanied by thunderstorms that produce a circular wind flow with maximum sustained winds below 39 mph. Most tropical depressions have maximum sustained winds between 25 and 35 mph.

In the U.S., the National Hurricane Center (NHC) is responsible for issuing advisories upgrading or downgrading tropical activity.

Reconnaissance aircraft missions are sent by the NHC flying into tropical storms to gather data, like wind speeds, to aid in making these classification changes. Surface data from islands, buoys and vessels can also be used to make changes.

These systems can turn into Tropical Storms, and ultimately hurricanes or they can begin to diminish before even making landfall.

Tropical Storm

An upgrade into a tropical storm occurs when cyclonic circulation becomes more organized and maximum sustained winds gust consistently at or above 39 mph, and no higher than 73 mph. Tropical storm status is when the naming of the storm takes place.

These systems can become a problematic when they make land fall with increases in flash flooding for coastal areas.

Hurricane Classification

A tropical storm is then upgraded into Category 1 hurricane status as maximum sustained winds increase to between 74 mph and 95 mph.

The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale is used to rate hurricane intensity in the Atlantic Basin. A 1-5 rating system is used, with Category 1 being a less intense storm and Category 5 very intense.

Only 3 Category 5 hurricanes have made landfall in the U.S. in the 20th and 21st century. The three Category 5 storms to hit the USA were the 1935 Florida Keys "Labor Day" hurricane, Hurricane Camille, which hit Mississippi in 1969, and Hurricane Andrew, which hit Dade County, Fla., on Aug. 24, 1992.

The most important thing to remember during hurricane season is to be prepared! Preparing now will save you from long lines at the store, and afford you effective evacuation routes. When it comes time for clean up after the storm, SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks will be here to make it “Like it never even happened.”

Hurricane Preparedness in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

7/18/2016 (Permalink)

With hurricane season upon us, it is important to be prepared. Even with advanced warnings, hurricanes can be deadly and it pays to have a plan in place. Below are some tips to get your family and home Hurricane Ready.

Supply Kits

Create a supply kit. These can be stored in large plastic totes or in a large backpack for grab and go emergencies. Keep non-perishable foods, water, flashlights, batteries, an emergency weather radio, list of emergency contact numbers, a map, and any medications that would be needed for your family and pets. For kits that can be taken on the road, include small activity books to have on hand as well.

Written Emergency Plan

Mark out locations that you and your family can evacuate to. Plan for additional areas further inland in case of a larger storm system.  Create an Emergency Preparedness Plan for your business. This can be done with SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks.

The most important thing to remember during hurricane season is to be prepared! Preparing now will save you from long lines at the store, and afford you effective evacuation routes. When it comes time for clean up after the storm, SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks will be here to make it “Like it never even happened.”

Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Smoke and Soot Cleanup

7/11/2016 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot can cause a pervasive odor in your Elizabeth City/Outer Banks home.

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action. 

Smoke and soot facts:

·         Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.

·         Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.

·         The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Chesapeake will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

 Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

·         Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

·         Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

·         Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor.

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services 

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?

Call Us Today – (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557.

What is Heat Lightning?

7/1/2016 (Permalink)

With summer comes summer storms and who hasn’t seen heat lightning flashing along the horizon on a muggy evening. But what is heat lighting, and is it dangerous?

What is Heat Lightning?

Sometimes during a storm, you can see lightning strike, but cannot hear the thunder as there is large distance between you and the storm. This is known as heat lightning. As there is no audible sound of thunder, the lightning is just seen as a flash of light.

As the lightning takes place far away, the sound waves get dispersed while traveling and do not reach the observer. Heat lightning is nothing but ordinary lightning, minus the sound of thunder. It is a term used to describe flashes of light that are seen near the horizon. As light flashes can travel to a larger distance than sound waves, only the flashes of light are seen, but the thunder is not heard.

Facts about Heat Lightning

  • It occurs in summers and especially on hot summer nights. Hence, it is named so.
  • It is not followed by thunder and rainfall like ordinary lightning. The thunder and rainfall actually take place at a distance, and so are not observed.
  • The Earth's curvature, airborne elements like snow or dust, etc., can muffle the sound of the thunder.
  • Heat lightning can be seen all over the world. It is especially common in the mountainous regions.
  • It is usually an indication of an approaching storm.
  • Many lightning casualties occur in the summer months. But, chances of being struck by lightning can be prevented if you follow safety rules.
  • Just because you cannot hear the thunder, does not mean you are not at a risk of getting struck by the lightning. Remember that light travels faster than sound.

Is Heat Lightning Dangerous?

Heat lightning is equally as dangerous as ordinary lightning. Many people enjoy watching the brilliant orange flashes of light near the horizon. But it is advised to immediately seek shelter indoors. As mentioned above, it is an indication of an invading storm, and people may not realize how close the storm is and may be under risk of getting struck by the lightning.

Lightning Safety Measures

Remember, when you see lightning, always stay indoors. If you are outdoors, it is best to stay in your car or seek shelter in nearby buildings. Avoid standing under a tree or seeking shelter in very high buildings. If you are on a hilltop, try to seek shelter as you are at a higher risk of getting struck with lightning. One should also stay away from electrical poles or telephone lines. It is even advised not to use plug-in electrical equipment for safety reasons.

If your home is damaged by storms this summer, call SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557.

Grill Fire Safety in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

6/27/2016 (Permalink)

Keep your home safe this summer with these grilling tips.

Warmer weather brings hot grills and tasty meals. However, a fun backyard cook-out can quickly turn into a dangerous fire situation. It is important to practice safe grilling habits to keep your outdoor fun going all summer long.


Each year an average of 8,900 home fires are caused by grilling, and close to half of all injuries involving grills are due to thermal burns. While nearly half of the people who grill do it year-round, July is the peak month for grill fires followed by May, June and August. A failure to clean the grill was the leading factor contributing to the fire in one –fifth of all grill structure fires (19%). In 17%, something that could catch fire was too close to the grill. Leaks or breaks were the factor in 11% of grill structure fires and 23% of outside and unclassified grill fires. Gas grills contribute to a higher number of home fires overall than their charcoal counterparts.


1. Keep your grill at least 10 feet away from your house. Farther is even better. This includes portions attached to your house like carports, garages and porches. Grills should not be used underneath wooden overhangs either, as the fire could flare up into the structure above. This applies to both charcoal and gas grills.

2. Clean your grill regularly. If you allow grease and fat to build up on your grill, they provide more fuel for a fire. Grease is a major source of flare ups.

3. Check for gas leaks. You can make sure no gas is leaking from your gas grill by making a solution of half liquid dish soap and half water and rubbing it on the hoses and connections. Then, turn the gas on (with the grill lid open.) If the soap forms large bubbles, that's a sign that the hoses have tiny holes or that the connections are not tight enough.

4. Keep decorations away from your grill. Decorations like hanging baskets, pillows and umbrellas look pretty AND provide fuel for a fire. To make matters worse, today's decor is mostly made of artificial fibers that burn fast and hot, making this tip even more important.

5. Keep a spray bottle of water handy. That way, if you have a minor flare-up you can spray it with the water to instantly calm it. The bonus of this tip is that water won't harm your food, so dinner won't be ruined!

6. Keep a fire extinguisher within a couple steps of your grill. And KNOW HOW TO USE IT. If you are unsure how to use the extinguisher, don't waste time fiddling with it before calling 911. Firefighters say many fire deaths occur when people try to fight a fire themselves instead of calling for expert help and letting the fire department do its job.


7. Turn on the gas while your grill lid is closed. NEVER do this. It causes gas to build up inside your grill, and when you do light it and open it, a fireball can explode in your face. 

8. Leave a grill unattended. Fires double in size every minute. Plan ahead so that all of your other food prep chores are done and you can focus on grilling.

9. Overload your grill with food. This applies especially to fatty meats. The basic reason for this tip is that if too much fat drips on the flames at once, it can cause a large flare-up that could light nearby things on fire.

10. Use a grill indoors. People often think it will be safe to use a grill, especially a small one, indoors. NOT TRUE. In addition to the fire hazard, grills release carbon monoxide, the deadly colorless, odorless gas. That gas needs to vent in fresh air.

If a fire does occur this summer, call SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557. Our trained team will work to make it “Like it never even happened.”

Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Mold Facts Part 2

6/20/2016 (Permalink)

Mold needs moisture in order to grow.

Welcome to Part 2 of our two part series on Frequently Asked Questions about mold! 

Q: What are the main sources of water and moisture for mold growth?
A: Common indoor moisture sources include humidifiers, cooking and dishwashing, bathing, plumbing leaks, house plants, firewood storage indoors, improper venting of clothes dryer/indoor clothes line, and combustion appliances. Common outdoor sources of moisture include roof leaks, flooding, rain or snowmelt, seasonal high humidity, ground moisture, and wet building materials.

Q: How do we best manage mold spores form floating around indoors?
A: Mold spores are aerodynamic. Spore laden areas should be pressurized negatively and clean areas should be pressurized positively to minimize cross contamination.

Q: What is the most effective way to manage mold?
A: The most effective way to prevent mold growth is to keep materials clean and dry; if they get wet, dry them quickly before mold growth can start.

Q: Can biocides be used to effectively manage mold?
A: Biocides are useful poisons designed to kill microorganisms. Serious concerns about biocide use may include toxicity to all forms of life, they can be inactivated and be ineffective as poisons, and some may cause damage to materials. Biocides will only slow the mold problem down; it will not correct the problem. The environmental conditions that support mold growth must be changed. Remove water and the organic food source.

Q: Can ozone be used to manage mold?
A: No, ozone is totally ineffective in mold management and on top of that is toxic to humans.

Q: How do we manage fungal spores in the air?
A: Properly designed airflow across a source of mold spores carries airborne contaminants into the air filtration device where they are trapped. This principle can be applied to vacuum cleaners and air filters.

Q: Do we need a HEPA vacuum to remove mold spores from a building?
A: HEPA vacuums are useful professional tools, but they are not essential to the removal of mold spores. HEPA filters were designed in the 1940’s to trap energized nuclear particles. Any vacuum that can filter particles down to one micron or less, if applied consistently, will remove large amounts of mold spore from an indoor environment.

Q: How can we best get rid of mold spores?
A: Do not let mold grow to begin with. Keep the environment clean and dry. If mold does grow, contain the growing mold along with its wet food source (i.e. wrap it in plastic and get it outside) before spores are released to the air. If spores are released, remember that they settle onto the surfaces hours after activities end in the exposure area. Effective vacuuming and damp wiping of walls and hard surfaces, vacuuming of fabrics to include carpet is effective in the removal of mold spores before they can get put back into the air.

Q: How should we manage environmental quality in the face of demolition or mold-damaged material removal?
A: Demolition procedures on a restoration project should be performed in such a way as to minimize and control dust to include mold spores and other biopollutants. Controls applicable to mold management include source containment before removal, minimization of air activity prior to containment, containment and negative air pressurization of contaminated area.

If you find or suspect mold in your home, Call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557 today!

Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Mold Facts

6/13/2016 (Permalink)

Mold is a member of the Fungi kingdom, just like mushrooms.

Over the next two weeks SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks will be sharing with you some Frequently Asked Questions about Mold. Please join us again next week for the second installment of Mold FAQ's!

Q: What are molds, plants or animals?
A: Neither. Molds are members of a unique kingdom called fungi. Other common fungi are yeasts and mushrooms.

Q: Are molds only found in wet environments?
A: Mold grows everywhere on Earth, in all climates and conditions. Fungi have an absolute requirement for water but exhibit a wide range of tolerance in relation to water availability. Fungi can survive over a broad temperature range; however, optimum growth tends to be found in the 54-84°F.

Q: What is the source and cause of “musty” or distinct odor associated with wet or damp environments?
A: The odorants are organic (carbon based) compounds excreted from bacteria and fungi. They are often referred to as VOCs (volatile organic compounds) but more accurately they should be identified as gas-phase organic compounds derived from biodegradation.

Q: What is the leading cause of serious deadly illness indoors?
A: Bacteria and viruses are the most “pathogenic” (disease causing) organisms commonly found indoors.

Q: What is the most likely human response to mold by way of exposure to air?
A: The most likely human response by way of air exposure is allergic reaction to mold spores when in a sufficient high concentration.

Q: Who is most at risk when exposed to mold and mold spores?
A: The very young, the very old, those with weakened immunes systems, and asthmatics.

Q: Can we see mold spores indoors?
A: No. The size of mold spores is between 2 and 100 microns. The vast majority are under 20 microns. A micron is one millionth of a meter. We cannot see objects less than 40 microns without optical magnification.

Q: What about the size of mold spore and bacteria, is size important?
A: Particles of all size ranges are important. They can enter the cranial cavity, be ingested, enter the upper or lower regions of the lung or come in contact with the eyes or skin. Particles smaller than 2.5 microns are especially hazardous; they are small enough to be inhales into the alveoli region of the lung. The gas exchange portion of the respiratory system is the alveoli (air sacs). When damaged, lung function is permanently impaired.

Q: What species of mold should be of most concern?
A: Penicillium, Aspergillus, Stachybotrys are hazardous species in the sense that humans tend to have more of an allergic reaction to these. Hazards by themselves do not guarantee harm. But we should be very concerned when any of these three species are the source of the dominant spore concentration often found indoors.

Q: Is Stachybotrys chartarum a “killer” mold?
A: Much concern was raised about the mold Stachybotrys chartarum because it was found in homes of infants with an unusual “bleeding lung disease” in Cleveland. The media labeled it as a “killer” mold because some of these infants died. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other experts reviewed the investigations of the Cleveland cases and concluded that an association between the exposures to mold and the illnesses was not proven.

Q: What about the color of mold, is black mold more dangerous than other species?
A: We should not try to judge the risk potential of mold by its color. For example, there are literally thousands of species of mold, and a large number of them appear black when the mold colonies grow large enough to see.

Q: Are there any safe molds as far as allergic response goes?
A: In the face of uncertainty, it is prudent to suspect that all mold spores are allergens to some degree. In high enough concentrations and sufficiently long exposure times, regardless of species, mold spores can, in theory, trigger a reaction. Some molds trigger allergic reactions even at lover exposure levels.

If you find or suspect mold is growing in your home or business, call SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557 for your mold mitigation needs.

The Truth About Dust Mites

6/6/2016 (Permalink)

Dust mites can be found on soft surfaces, like a couch or bed.

Dust mites feed on organic detritus such as flakes of shed human skin and flourish in almost all environments. House dust mites are a common cause of asthma and allergic symptoms worldwide. The mite’s gut contains potent digestive enzymes (notably proteases) that persist in their feces and are major inducers of allergic reactions such as wheezing, coughing, itchy red eyes, nasal blockings and other undesirable symptoms that have a negative effect on humans. The mite’s exoskeletons can also contribute to allergic reactions. The European house dust mite and the American house dust mite are two different species, but are not necessarily confined to Europe or North America.

House dust mites, due to their very small size and translucent bodies, are barely visible to the unaided eye. A typical house dust mite measures 0.25-0.3 millimeters in length. For accurate identification, one needs at least 50x magnification or an electron microscope. The body of the house dust mite has a striated cuticle. Like all species of the arachnid family, house dust mites have eight legs.

The average life cycle for a male house dust mite is 20 days. A mated female house dust mite can last up to 70-90 days, laying 60 to 100 eggs in the last 5 weeks of her life. In its normal life span, a house dust mite will produce approximately 2,000 fecal particles and an even larger number of partially digested enzyme-covered dust particles.

The house dust mite survives in all climates, even at high altitude. House dust mites thrive in the indoor environment provided by homes, specifically in bedrooms, family rooms, and kitchens. Dust mites survive extremely well in mattresses, carpets, furniture and bedding, with figures around 100-500 dust mites occupying every 1 gram of dust. Even in dry climates, house dust mites survive and reproduce easily.

Allergens produces by house dust mites in are among the most common triggers of asthma. There are at least 15 mite allergens which are subdivided into groups. Group 1 and 2 allergens are the most problematic. Studies have shown the mean attributable fraction of adult asthma due to atopic sensitization was 30% for sensitization to dust mites. The allergy occurs because the immune system of allergy-affected individual, for reasons not fully understood, misinterprets a usually innocuous substance as a disease agent and begins producing a type of antibody against it. This is called the “primary antibody response.” The antibody produced during this response binds to basophils in the bloodstream and to a similar type of cell called mast cells in the tissues. When the person again encounters the allergen, these basophils and mast cells release histamine, prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which causes inflammation of the surrounding tissues, resulting in allergic symptoms

Contrary to popular belief, dust mites cannot be removed from bedding by separating the bedding from skin or by using some type of mattress cover. In some cases, that will cause dust mite populations to grow faster on the surface. The most effective way to treat dust mite allergies is to use a professional service that uses a high-powered HEPA filtration extraction device combined with a UV-C germicidal light on all surfaces that come in contact with humans.

A 10-year controlled study in 60 mite sensitized, asthmatic children, showed almost complete remission of asthma in those environments professionally treated using the method described above and that this remission was still apparent 5 years after continuing regular treatments. The finding was supported by a review of 39 mite-triggered asthmatic children, who were suffering on average of 8 acute exacerbations per year. After regular treatments, generally at 4-6 month intervals, the exacerbation rate was reduced by 95%.

Attempts at cleaning mattresses an upholstered items with any type of consumer household vacuum cleaner will not remove dust mite allergens, but instead throw them into the air and increase their volatility, which is why professional dust mite eradication services are recommended. A home allergen reduction plan has been recognized as being an essential part to the management of asthma symptoms and therefore all aspects of the home environment should be professionally treated.


Allergy and asthma sufferers are often advised to avoid feather pillows due to the presumed increase of the house dust mite allergen. However, according to a 1996 study from the British Medical Journal, the reverse is true. The study showed that polyester fiber pillows contained more than 8 times the total weight of dust mite fecal matter.

House dust mites reproduce quickly enough that their effect on human health can be significant. Since dust mites depend on moisture to survive, they are most often found in bedding such as pillows and most types of upholstered items found throughout a home, hotel room or any type of multi-bed facility. Dust mites can be reduced by replacing carpets with hard surfaces that are easier to clean. Dust mites that may exist in linens can be eradicated by washing and drying these items in lethal temperatures of 221 degrees F or more.

Call SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks today at (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557 for your home dust mite needs.

Vandalism Damage Do's and Don'ts

5/27/2016 (Permalink)

When vandalism damage occurs to your property there are important things to remember while waiting for SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks to begin property restoration.


  • Hose or wash egg or other residue damage from building exterior as soon as possible.
  • Carefully vacuum glass particles from carpets and upholstery.
  • Save containers revealing the ingredients of products used in vandalism damage.
  • Record all damage and photograph when possible.


  • Attempt to remove ink, paint or cosmetic stains.
  • Operate damaged lamps or appliances.
  • Discard broken or damaged pieces from porcelain, furniture or other contents that may be used for repair.

Always call SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks first at (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557.

Clean, Disinfect & Protect with BactiBarrier

5/23/2016 (Permalink)

BactiBarrier protects both hard and soft surfaces in your home.

Let SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks help protect your family, friends, and employees from harmful bacteria, fungi, yeast, algae and viruses with BactiBarier’s microbial protection system. This long-lasting antimicrobial protection application can be employed to treat almost any surface. A surface cleaned and treated by the 2 step BactiBarrier system will stand against future microbial growth.

BactiBarrier is a specially formulated antimicrobial first introduced over 30 years ago. BactiBarrier is a 2-step, EPA registered microbial disinfectant and EPA registered microbial protector that can be used to create Long Term protection on surfaces where the spread of germs is a concern. BactiBarrier creates a permanent bond with a surface that bacteria cannot penetrate. This blocks microorganisms from contaminating surfaces and inhibits their growth, month after month.

Is the treatment safe for use on all surfaces?

Generally speaking, yes. You can pre-test any questionable or extremely sensitive surfaces to determine if the products will adversely affect them, but this technology has bonded safely to almost every surface encountered.

The treatment can last for the life of the treated surface, if the surface is not subject to heavy soiling or abrasive cleaning.

The time the process takes and how soon the treated surface can be used varies greatly depending on the volume of space and number of items. Simple applications can be completed within a few hours while others may be more labor intensive. For the treatment of hard surfaces, you can re-enter with an hour or so while soft surfaces, we suggest allowing the fabric to dry.

The application has no harmful or objectionable odors and the microscopic layer of protection is invisible and imperceptible to touch. This layer of protection provides a preventative coating that inhibits future growth.

The level of contamination on a surface, before and after cleaning, can be measured using a Hygiena Adenosine Triphosphate meter, otherwise called an ATP meter. This measures the level of clean or contamination on the surface.

What are some common uses for the BactiBarrier system?

Common Surfaces - Chairs, desks, counter tops, door handles, common contact surfaces, bathroom surfaces, toilets, sinks, and kitchen surfaces.

Building Materials and Components - Wooden building materials, engineered lumber, plywood, flake board, oriented strand board, particle board, fibre board, sheathing, decking or planking, wall board, vinyl siding, plastic siding, wood siding, concrete and concrete products, cinder blocks, brick, stone, ceiling tiles, architectural metal, louvers, vents, coping.

Roofing Materials - Wood shingles, composite shingles, asphalt shingles, roofing granules, tiles, membranes, underlayment, wood shakes, felt, stone, concrete, asphalt coating, synthetic coating.

Insulation Materials - Cellulose insulation, fiberglass insulation, panel insulation, rigid foam, expanded foam, moisture and wind fabric barriers.

General Use Materials - Vinyl, plastic, wood, laminate, concrete, tile, stone, wallboard, gypsum board, plaster, EIFS wall systems, fiberglass, synthetic stucco, cinder block, brick, siding, wall paper and wall coverings, carpet, underlayment, mats.

Fabric Materials - Acetates, acrylics, cotton, fiberglass, nylon, lycra, polyester, polyethylene, polyolefin's, polypropylene, rayon, spandex, vinyl, wool, orlon, silk, natural down, and blends of these fibres.

Call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks today to set up an appointment for your BactiBarrier application! (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557.

Biohazard and Crime Scene Cleanup and Restoration

5/13/2016 (Permalink)

Let our team take care of your restoration needs.

Recognized as a leading fire and water cleanup and restoration provider by hundreds of insurance companies nationwide, SERVPRO® offers fast, reliable biohazard and crime scene cleanup and restoration services to residential and commercial property owners.

Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences for building occupants, employees, customers and owners. A failure to properly handle and safely remove such hazardous substances can contribute to unhealthy and even dangerous environments.
Your local SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Professionals are trained to safely and effectively remove biohazardous substances and prepare water for proper disposal according to OSHA, EPA, and state and local health regulations. Equipped with the necessary safety equipment and cleaning products, SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks helps to turn unsafe environments into clean, safe homes and offices. Our team can help with:

  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Methamphetamine Lab
  • Crime Scene Residues
  • Arson
  • Vandalism
  • Sewage Backups
  • Black Water Intrusions
  • Mold Mitigation and Remediation

Biohazard and Crime Scene Cleanup and Restoration

Bloodborne Pathogens
Our team removes and disposes of bodily fluids, tissue and other potentially pathogenic substances resulting from accident, trauma, crime or death. Our team thoroughly cleans, disinfects, and deodorizes the structure.

Methamphetamine Labs
Many of the chemicals used in the production of illegal drugs such as methamphetamine are volatile and can leave harmful residues throughout a structure. SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks follows federal and state guidelines to properly clean all surfaces.

Crime Scene Residue
Form fingerprint powder and evidence-gathering chemicals, to tear gas and pepper spray residues, our team can clean and restore your property and contents.

Arson and Vandalism
SERVPRO is recognized as leaders at helping property owners recover quickly from fire and water damage. We also provide general cleaning and deodorization services for situations resulting from vandalism including graffiti, egg, spoiled foods, and human or animal waste.

Sewage Backup
Sewage backups and black water intrusions are more than nasty, smelly deposits – these damages also introduce harmful microorganisms into a structure. Our team removes the sewage, contaminants and moisture, disinfecting as they clean. We help ensure the structure is properly cleaned, disinfected and deodorized.

If your home or company is in need of any Biohazard and Crime Scene Cleanup and Restoration, call SEVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer banks at (725)331-7889/(252)480-8557.

Are You Sleeping With the Enemy?

5/9/2016 (Permalink)

Do you wake up in the morning with itchy skin, a stuffed up nose, sneezing, wheezing, headaches, or are suffering from asthma? Then your mattress may be contaminated.

The mattress is one of the dirtiest places in the home containing millions of dust mites and may be housing bacteria, mold and mildew, fungal spores or viruses. Mites produce potent digestive enzymes that are allergenic to humans. If your mattress is 8 years old or more, is has more than doubled in weight.

The Simple Truth

We all release as much as a pint of sweat each night and our bodies are permanently shedding skin. Adding these to the bacteria that are formed from other fluids our bodies release and deposit on the mattress, it makes you wonder why this problem has never been remedied until now. The Hygienitech Mattress & Upholstery Cleaning & Sanitizing System uses a high powered HEPA filtration device to extract dust mites and other debris along with suing a UV-C germicidal light to sanitize.

Traditional household or commercial vacuums do not have the extraction power to remove the highly resilient dust mites, bacteria, allergy triggering contaminants and other harmful debris that are deeply embedded in the mattress or the germ killing mechanism to disinfect and sterilize. Studies on protective covers show them not to work effectively. Also from our experience, whenever we have tested a mattress with a protective cover, the mattress has tested positive for contamination.

So how do you determine if you mattress shows contamination? We have a free no obligation detection test that only takes a few minutes. We take collected sediment form your mattress to perform a sample allergen test, which will enable you to see firs-hand the level of contamination that exists.

Once we determine the level of contamination, we then use the Hygienitech Mattress & Upholstery Cleaning & Sanitizing System. This system combines high frequency, pulsating waves, incredible suctions and a patented, high intensity germ killing, UV-C Germicidal lamp to pulverize and extract all the dust mites, bacteria, viruses, fungal spores, harmful organisms and other sediment that accumulated on your mattress or upholstered items. It is a dry and chemical free process that only takes about 15 to 20 minutes for a mattress, and your bed can be made again in 10 minutes after the processThis process is dry and chemical-free, requires no drying time, and has a 72+ hour residual effect to continue destroying allergens. It is also safe on all types of pillows and mattresses, is color safe, will neutralize odor causing bacteria, and does not require the removal of the mattress from the bed. The system is completely portable, and requires no set up time.

We recommend you schedule your mattress to be cleaned every 6 months. However, if you suffer from sever allergies or asthma, then we recommend servicing the mattress once every 3 months.

If you have any questions regarding this process, and want to set up your appointment today, call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at (252) 331-7889/(252) 480-8557.

Emergency Ready Profile

5/2/2016 (Permalink)

It is estimated that up to 50% of businesses that close due to a disaster such as fire and flood never reopen! Of the businesses that survive, the overwhelming majority of them had a preparedness plan in place.

Are you “Ready for whatever happens?”

Preparation is a key component for making it through any size disaster, whether it’s a small water leak, a large fire, or an area flood. The best time to plan for such events is not when the event happens, but well before it happens.

The SERVPRO® Emergency Ready Profile serves as a quick reference of important building and contact information or can be an ideal supplement to any well-designed emergency preparedness or existing contingency program. Rather than simply reacting to disaster situations, most prefer proactive measures to establish a relationship with a restoration services company.

By working with SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks to develop your personalized Emergency Ready Profile, your business will receive the benefit of over 40 years of experience in reducing the impact of any natural or man-made disaster. SERVPRO is a leader in water and fire damage response and can help you quickly get your property back in working order.

Call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557 today.

Full Service Smoke & Water Textile Restoraiton in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

4/25/2016 (Permalink)

The before and after of a beloved item after a run through the Esporta Wash System®.

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks is happy to announce the introduction of our new iS4000 Esporta® Wash System! This new system allows us to clean and restore soft-goods items that would normally be considered unsalvageable. This includes items that are:

  • Contaminated by water and sewage
  • Soiled by heavy smoke and soot
  • Contaminated by mold
  • Contaminated by Bio waste

Traditional restoration dry cleaners typically consider much of these items non-restorable and they end up in a landfill.  By choosing SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, an Esporta Certified Operator™, you can make a big difference. When textiles are sent to the landfill, it leaves the fabric dyes and chemicals to leach into the soil, contaminating both surface and groundwater.

What can be restored on the Esporta Wash System?

  • Leather goods of all kinds
  • Laundry of all kinds
                    -Wash and fold
                    -Press and hang
  • Household goods of all kinds
                    -Sleeping bags
                    -Stuffed animals
  • Unique articles such as sports equipment
  • A wide variety of other articles.

With the Esporta Wash System, you will benefit from 24 hour turnaround time on emergency items, the recovery of sentimental items, a simpler and faster claim settlement, and a satisfaction guarantee. If you experience a devastating loss from fire or water damage, call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks to handle not only restoring your home, but your soft-goods as well. Call us at (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557.

Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Mold Facts

4/18/2016 (Permalink)

The Truth about Mold

Ordinary Mold

Fungi and mold naturally occur in our environment. In fact, over 100,000 kinds of fungi have been identified. Fungi produce some very useful results. Yeast is a type of fungi used in preparing breads, baked goods and other food products, including some alcoholic beverages. The unique flavor of blue cheese is a result of mold. An edible mushroom is simply a type of fungi and lifesaving penicillin is a product of mold (Penicillin chrysogenum). 
Even though some forms of mold can add value to our lives, other forms can be harmful. Excessive amounts of mold, different types of mold, and/or exposure to molds may present health concerns for some people.

Unhealthy Mold

Intrusion of water into your home or place of business can result in mold growth. Water intrusions can result from storm damage, plumbing, or equipment failures, long-standing leaks and poor humidity control. When water intrusions are not addressed right away, the resulting damage can present increased risk of harmful mold growth. Some amounts of mold spores are normally present in most environments. If the humidity and moisture levels in a water-damaged environment are not promptly returned to normal, mold spores may grow and multiply. Organic materials found inside a building, such as wood, paper, drywall and insulation, provide food sources for mold to flourish. Excessive mold growth can lead to indoor environmental conditions that pose a health threat.

Take Precautions

SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks handles water damages every day and know prompt action is required to prevent mold growth. Mold is more likely to spread when an environment has been subject to moisture for a long period of time. If your property has sustained recent water damage, it is vital to remove excess water and dry the structure promptly. If there is an ongoing moisture problem in the building, it is important to be alert for:

  • The presence of visible mold. 
  • Strong musty odors which may indicate mold is present.  
  • Any evidence of past moisture problems that might have caused undetected mold growth.  
  • Excessive humidity.

Health Concerns

Health concerns may rise when excessive mold grows indoors. Concerns are more likely to arise for “at risk” people, which may include immune suppressed or compromised individuals, young children and individuals with chronic inflammatory lung diseases such as asthma and sever allergies. However, anyone may experience health problems associated with exposure to mold in damp buildings. Possible health effects include: runny nose, sneezing, coughing, aggravation of asthma, sore throat or inflammation of the sinuses. People most at risk include: infants and children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with compromised respiratory systems or asthma and allergies, and people with weakened immune systems.

Help is Here

If you think you might have a mold problem, call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks today. Our team trained in mold remediation will examine the structure for any visible signs of mold. In the event mold is found, you will be asked to approve and sign a work authorization form prior to any mold cleanup or related work being performed. The technician may also recommend you leave the affected area while the mold cleanup and associated containment process in being safely completed.

Stress Awareness in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

4/15/2016 (Permalink)

Breathing exercises can help reduce stress.

April is National Stress Awareness Month, and the team here at SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks knows how stressful experiencing fire and water damage can be. While we work on restoring your property “Like it never even happened”™, here are some helpful tips for reducing stress in your life.

Ways to relax your mind

Write. It may help to write about things that are bothering you. Write for 10 to 15 minutes a day about stressful events and how they made you feel. Or think about tracking your stress. This helps you find out what is causing your stress and how much stress you feel. After you know, you can find better ways to cope.

Let your feelings out. Talk, laugh, cry, and express anger when you need to. Talking with friends, family, a counselor, or a member of the clergy about your feelings is a healthy way to relieve stress.

Do something you enjoy. You may feel that you're too busy to do these things. But making time to do something you enjoy can help you relax. It might also help you get more done in other areas of your life. Try:

  • A hobby, such as gardening.
  • A creative activity, such as writing, crafts, or art.
  • Playing with and caring for pets.
  • Volunteer work.

Focus on the present. Meditation and guided imagery are two ways to focus and relax your mind.

  • Meditate. When you meditate, you focus your attention on things that are happening right now. Paying attention to your breathing is one way to focus. Mindfulness-based stress reduction is one form of meditation that is very helpful with managing stress and learning how to better cope with it.
  • Use guided imagery. With guided imagery, you imagine yourself in any setting that helps you feel calm and relaxed. You can use audiotapes, books, or a teacher to guide you.

Ways to relax your body

Exercise. Regular exercise is one of the best ways to manage stress. Walking is a great way to get started. Even everyday activities such as housecleaning or yard work can reduce stress. Stretching can also relieve muscle tension.

Try techniques to relax. Breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, and yoga can help relieve stress.

  • Breathing exercises. These include roll breathing, a type of deep breathing.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation. This technique reduces muscle tension. You do it by relaxing separate groups of muscles one by one.
  • Yoga, tai chi, and qi gong. These techniques combine exercise and meditation. You may need some training at first to learn them. Books and videos are also helpful. You can do all of these techniques at home.

Let SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks help reduce your stress. Call us for any of your restoration needs at (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557.

Information sourced from webmd.com.

The Do's and Don'ts of Water Damage

4/11/2016 (Permalink)

Unexpected water damage can come from anywhere in the home.

Sometimes you never know when water damage is going to occur to your home or business. With these tips, you can be sure you are prepared for any water damage situation.

Water Damage From Clean Water


  • Shut off the source of water if possible or contact a qualified party to stop the water source.
  • Turn off circuit breakers for wet areas of the building, when access to the power distribution panel is safe from electrical shock.
  • Remove as much excess water as possible by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood and furniture after removing lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop up wet upholstery cushions for even drying.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Remove to a safe, dry place any paintings, art objects, computers, documents and other materials that are valuable or sensitive to moisture.
  • Use wooden clothespins to keep furniture skirting off damp floors.
  • Hang draperies with coated hangers to avoid contact with wet carpeting or floors.
  • Hang furs and leather goods to dry separately at room temperatures.


  • Enter rooms with standing water where electrical shock hazards may exist.
  • Enter affected areas if electrical outlets, switches, circuit breakers or electrical equipment are exposed to water.
  • Always avoid electrical shock hazards.
  • Leave books, newspapers, magazines or other colored items on wet carpets to cause staining.
  • Use your household vacuum cleaner to remove water, possibly causing electrical shock or damage to the vacuum cleaner.
  • Use TVs or other appliances while standing on wet carpets or floors, especially not on wet concrete floors.
  • Turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet or enter rooms where ceilings are sagging from retained water.

Water Damage From Contaminated Water


  • Avoid all contact with sewage and items contaminated by sewage.
    Wash your hands thoroughly after contact with contaminated items.


  • Spread contaminated water by walking unnecessarily on damaged or wet areas.
  • Turn on the HVAC system if there is a possibility of spreading contaminated air.
  • Use household fans to dry the structure and spread contaminants.
  • Use products for personal hygiene and cleanliness if exposed to the contaminated areas.

Always call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks when you experience any water damage. Call us at (252) 331-7889/(252) 480-8557.

Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Lawn and Garden Month

4/7/2016 (Permalink)

April is National Lawn and Garden Month and the team here at SERVPRO® of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks have a few gardening and lawn tips that may help keep your yard and home protected against flooding and water damage.


Homeowners can begin with the size and care of lawns. Rather than maintaining a large carpet of green through the use of pesticides and herbicides, consider reducing the size of your lawn by 10% and allow your landscape to be a bit more natural. You can help prevent soil erosion by using native plants in your landscape that help hold soil in place and filter storm water. As a bonus, your lawn and garden will be greener during the dry days of summer, as native plants are more drought resistant than many popular non-native lawn grasses.

You can take a few simple steps to make your lawn healthier and better able to absorb rainwater when it falls:

  • Use an organic fertilizer early each spring
  • Set your mower to 3”, not anything lower (Cutting too short results in decreased root growth. More roots mean more water is absorbed and runoff is reduced.)
  • Water infrequently but deeply
  • Use hand tools to remove individual weeds

Rain Gardens

Even owners of small pieces of property can help prevent flooding through the use of a rain garden. A rain garden is a low-lying vegetated depression (typically 3 to 6 inches deep) with absorbent soils that temporarily collect storm water runoff from impervious surfaces and allow the runoff to slowly percolate into the soil.

When building a rain garden, plants with the highest wet-soil tolerance should be placed in the center, since those at the edge will drain fairly quickly while the middle remains submerged.  

Large or small, rain gardens should be planted with native plants. Using native plants is best whenever possible, as they require little to no watering in between rainfall, making a more low-maintenance yard and cutting down on the need for harmful pesticides.  As a general rule, any plant described as Japanese, Oriental, English, etc. is obviously not native to North America and should be avoided.

Some common native flowers are black-eyed Susan, coneflower and wild columbine. Native trees include sweetgum, red maple, Eastern redbud and American holly. But these are just a few of the hundreds of plants that are native to our region. The best way to figure out which plants are native is to explore a book or online guide that describes native plants. Here are three excellent resources to help you get started:

  • The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping: Chesapeake Bay Watershed
  • The Native Plant Center, an online version of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s native plant guide
  • The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s online Plants of Chesapeake Bay collection

Here at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, we believe in prevention first!

*Sources: Raritan Headwaters, Lot Plans.

Hardwood Floor Cleaning in Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

4/4/2016 (Permalink)

Return your hardwood floors to their original luster with SERVPRO.

Protect your hardwood flooring investment!

Hardwood floors become dull and dirty over time just like carpet, which is professionally cleaned to extend the life. SERVPRO’s Intensive Cleaning Process can now breathe new life into your hardwood floors.

Professional hardwood maintenance can dramatically improve the appearance of wood floors and bring back their original luster. SERVPRO's deep cleaning process removes the toughest dirt and residue, both safely and effectively. Commercial strength cleaning agents and innovative equipment lifts away buildup and rejuvenates floors for a fraction of the price it would cost to repair floors that are not professionally maintained.

Which Hardwood Floor Solution is Right for You?

We use the Dirt Dragon Floor Prep and Cleaning Machine and Basic Coatings commercial grade cleaners to successfully eliminate dirt, dust, oil and other contaminates that weaken hardwood floors and can lead to costly repairs. SERVPRO’s Intensive Cleaning Process does not just clean the surface like most systems and products-it extracts hidden dirt deep within the boards of hardwood floors. Improve your indoor air quality and circulation plus rejuvenate hardwood floors with the professional hardwood floor maintenance procedures that we provide.

Intensive Cleaning
Aggressively cleans: dirt, grease, hair, dust build-up, residue, and contaminates. It is low odor, pet and kid friendly, no need to move furniture, and has quick drying times.

Clean and Refinish
Aggressively cleans and refinishes the floor to a uniform sheen of semi-gloss or satin. This is ideal for rental properties. It is available in satin or semi-gloss, restores the floors’ original luster, is dust free cleaning, has low VOC with less harmful fumes, and the floors are back in use the same day.

Call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks now for more information at (252)331-7889/(252)480-8557.

Elizabeth City/ Outer Banks Spring Break Safety Tips.

3/28/2016 (Permalink)

Make your Spring Break vacation stress free!

With Elizabeth City/Outer Banks schools starting their Spring Break, most of us are also starting our vacations. Going on vacation should be relaxing and worry-free which is why it is important to make sure your home is secure before you leave for your trip. Here at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks, we want you to be ready so you don’t come back to damages in your home.

Make Arrangements with an Emergency Contact

  • Entrust a close friend or family member with your trip itinerary and contact information so they can contact you if anything happens at your home.
  • Set various house lights on a timer to give the impression that someone is home.
  • Leave written directions for alarm codes, doors, or other information needed to properly care for your home.
  • Have a friend or family member collect your mail and paper for you daily. Full mailboxes and porches can tip potential burglars off.
  • Contact the US Post Office and your local newspaper and ask to have your mail held and services suspended if someone cannot collect them for you.

Take Plumbing and Electric Precautions

  • Prevent leaks and floods from damaging your home by shutting off gas and water at the meter, supply tank or appliances. Your local water company can help with this.
  • Turn off the water valves to washing machines, sinks, and the dishwasher.
  • Unplug electronics to cut down on any possible shortages which could potentially cause a disastrous fire.
  • Double check your smoke detectors to ensure they are working properly.
  • Adjust your thermostat for the season in the winter to 55-60 and in the summer to 75-80 to help control usage.

The Day of Departure

  • Let your security company know that you are leaving town, and leave them the name of an alternate contact in case of an emergency.
  • Take out all trash in the home and clear the fridge of anything that will perish while you are away.
  • Go on one last walk-through of your home to secure windows, blinds, fences, doors, and plugs. This will ensure all entries are safe from hazardous obstructions.

 If you come back from vacation and do find damage within your home, call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks at (252) 331-7889/(252) 480-8557. The sooner you call us, the sooner we can make it “Like it never even happened.”®

Spring Clean Your Elizabeth City/Outer Banks Home!

3/24/2016 (Permalink)

Spring has arrived and the team here at SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks is excited for the warmer weather!

But before you open your windows and doors to let that fresh air in, here are some tips for Spring Cleaning your home:

  • Start from the top and work your way down. This means starting on the top floor of your home, and at the top of the tallest items in any room. As we clean, uncollected dust will fall and settle on anything below it. So save yourself from cleaning the coffee table twice!
  • Reorganize your closet. Take out any items you wish to donate. When putting clothes back, turn the hangers so they face out. Anytime you use an item, place it back right side. Any items that are still on backwards hangers by the end of the year should be removed and donated.
  • Change out the filters in your air vents, as well as in your vacuum. It is a good habit to change them at least monthly to keep the air clean and allergen free in your home.
  • Wipe down your computer work station with a clean microfiber cloth. Use special anti-static wipes to clean your computer screen of stuck on gunk, as well as your key board. Used compressed air cans to knock out any dust or food particles stuck between the keys.
  • Remove all pillows and mattress toppers from your bed. Wash in hot water in your washing machine.
  • Give your home a fresh sent by getting rid of garbage odors. Take your trash can outside for a good hose-down, and leave upside down to dry. Sprinkle baking soda at the bottom before putting in a new trash bag.

Let SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks help with your spring cleaning process. We provide services such as the Hygienitech system, carpet cleaning, drapes and blinds cleaning, ceiling and hardwood floor cleaning, as well as deodorization and sanitizing. Call our local offices today at 252-331-7889/252-480-8557. Follow us on Pinterest for more Spring Cleaning tips at SERVPRO Outer banks/Elizabeth City.

Preventing Home Fires- Fireplaces and Woodstoves

3/23/2016 (Permalink)

Some Safety Tips:

  • Inspect and clean your woodstove pipes and fireplace chimneys annually. Check monthly for any damage or obstructions.
  • Never burn trash, paper, or green wood; these will smolder and create more smoke than dry wood.
  • Use a fireplace screen that is heavy enough to stop rolling logs and big enough to cover the entire opening of the fireplace to catch flying sparks.
  • Make sure the fire is completely out before leaving the house or going to bed.
  • Store cooled ashes in a tightly sealed metal container outside the home. After three days the ashes can be bagged and thrown away, or used in your garden

For Emergency Restoration Services, Call Us! 252-331-7889/252-480-8557

What You Need to Know When Recovering From Fire Damage.

3/7/2016 (Permalink)

A home damaged by soot and smoke.

While the fire is always the immediate danger, once it's gone, what it leaves behind will continue to affect your home and everything inside it. Ash and smoke if left and not cleaned by professionals, will leave extensive corrosion, etching and discoloration as well as lingering odors, if left and not cleaned by professionals,  So what are the first steps to your homes recovery and what should you know?

  1. Don't risk doing further damage by attempting to clean up the damage yourself. Refer to the list below.

  2. You should call your insurance carrier and file a claim.

  3. Then call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks. to assess the damage. We will then communicate with your insurance company to plan the damage recovery process, and the process will be explained to you.

The sooner you contact us the better, because damage will continue and your structure and all your contents will have much more extensive damage to them. Carpets may become permanently discolored, and glass may be severely etched. And those odors aren't just odors, they are acidic and filled with toxins that can be harmful to you, and the longer they stay the more damage it will cause to your home.

Keys Things to Avoid:

  1. Do not wipe or attempt to wash residue from walls, ceilings, or absorbent surfaces.

  2. Do not use carpeting or upholstered furniture impacted by heavy smoke residue or debris.

  3. Do not use food items or canned goods exposed to heat.

  4. Do not turn on computers, TV's, stereos or electrical appliances until they have been professionally cleaned and checked.

Carpet Odors...

2/15/2016 (Permalink)

So Your Carpet Is Smelly…

 There are many reasons why a carpet can become smelly, from pet odors to heavy soiling and other causes. However, what some don’t realize is a little water intrusion can cause a big problem with the condition of their carpet, even after it seems the carpet has dried.

 Water intrusions can be from many sources. If it is from a toilet (raw sewage), it’s almost always best to discard the carpet and pad and get something new. While doing that, be sure the subfloor is also cleaned and disinfected appropriately, and sealed if necessary. If it is from an overflowing sink or a leaky pipe, the damage can usually be limited so purchasing new flooring isn’t always necessary.

 But one of the biggest problems is waiting too long no matter the cause of the water damage in your home.

 When you discover a wet carpet or rug, it’s time to get to work. Remove the water with extraction, and get some air movement and ventilation started on removing moisture.

However, here’s the problem. If the carpet isn’t dried really fast, like how professional water damage experts can dry carpet using their specialized tools and equipment, a persistent musty smell can develop. There’s not much a homeowner can do to fix that issue. In the winter months, when humidity is low, you may not notice the odor that much. But when summer arrives, with the higher humidity, those odors will come back with a vengeance.

 Even worse, mold can begin to grow. No one wants potentially dangerous mold in their homes!

Pipes Frozen...but not Broken

2/15/2016 (Permalink)

Frozen… but not Broken.  SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks

 Most people, when they think of frozen pipes in their homes, naturally think of broken pipes, spewing a huge mess that soaks carpet, subfloors, walls and more… necessitating the attention of their water damage professional.

 But many times, a frozen pipe doesn’t necessarily become a broken pipe. You might have experienced this yourself: You go into a bathroom, during a really cold part of winter, turn on the faucet and nothing comes out. Or perhaps only a trickle dribbles into the sink.

 This is a Headache that must be dealt with promptly, before the pipe actually breaks and creates a larger problem.

Preventing this from ever happening is the best course of action. Here are some things you can do when temperatures fall well below freezing:

Take control of the temperature in your home. Some, especially when leaving for a few days, will set the temperature lower to save money. But keep your home at 60 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Installing a thermostat that you can control remotely with your smartphone means you can monitor your home 24/7 while traveling.

While home, when temperatures are extremely cold, open kitchen and bathroom cabinets to allow warmer air to flow among the pipes and, for problem sinks that have had their pipes freeze in the past, or that you feel might freeze, allow a slow trickle of water to run.

Keep garage doors closed if you have water supply pipes in the walls or ceiling of your garage. This occurs especially when a bathroom is next to or above a garage. When you pull your vehicles into the garage, immediately shut the garage door so the heat from the engine can help warm the garage.

 But if a frozen pipe does happen, your only remedy is to thaw it. This may take some time. Warm up your house, and use safe heat, such as a hair dryer, to warm the area where the pipe is frozen. Do not use a blowtorch, kerosene or other heat source fired by fuel, and don’t use open flames. If you can’t determine where the frozen pipe is, a local plumbing company can help.

 And, of course, if the worst happens and a pipe does break, call us. 

Certified Electronics Restoration Network

12/8/2015 (Permalink)

Electronics Cleaning

SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks has recently completed training through ElectroClean and is now a certified electronics restoration contractor, and part of the Certified Electronics Restoration Network! 

What does that mean for our customers?  We’re glad you asked!  It means we are now even more trained and equipped to provide cleaning and restoration services for damage incurred from fire, water, lightning strikes, electrical surges, and more. 

This particular certification is focused on electronics restoration and data recovery including:

  • Electronic Inventory Controls
  • State-of-the-art Electronic Data Base Platform
  • Standardized Cleaning and Testing Technologies
  • Each Item Tested Three Times Prior to Packaging
  • Standardized Data Back-Up in 48 Hours or Less
  • Standardized Job Management, Forms and Procedures
  • Standardized Packing and Automated Detailed Packing Labels
  • Customer Service Requirements and Network Standards
  • A 92.7% Success Rate in Electronic Restoration
  • Average Cost for Restoration 20.3% of Replacement
  • Both Residential and Commercial Services Available
  • Onsite Cleaning Available if Required and Requested
  • Onsite Electronic Evaluation Reports from Lightning Strikes, Water Leaks or Electrical Surges

When disaster strikes your home or business, call SERVPRO of Elizabeth City/Outer Banks. Our heroes are standing by, ready make it "Like it never even happened."252 331-7889


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